you were right

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 "Oh my god Brooke can you stop working for one second-"

"Andie I swear to god if you say that one more time-"

"Girls! Quiet!"

Andromeda and I waited for the teacher to turn around before we made a face at him.

Ignoring Andie's hopeful expression, I immediately went back to my work. I needed this done by today or I wouldn't be ahead with my other paper, and therefore I'd have to use the time I was going to spend tutoring on that presentation, which meant-

"Brooke. Brooke!"

That's it. I might just smack her head off.

"Andie, I'm seriously trying to focus. I have to get this done, or-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before. Look, it's such a nice day," Andie sighed, looking out the window. "Why can't we just enjoy it? I want to fall over, rolling down green hills while basking in the sunlight."

"Yeah, well, I want to have a job in a few years." I hissed flatly, typing furiously.

"Homework will wait," Andie grinned as I sighed, having heard this spiel about twenty billion times before. "The sunlight won't."

"You know what I can't wait for?" I whispered, not looking up from my computer. Andie gave me a look, already knowing the answer. "You to stop talking."

"Your loss, I'll be enjoying my happy and fulfilled life while you type type type away on your comput-"

A loud ring sounded through the classroom, effectively shutting Andie up, something I could never do.

Dang, wish I could be that bell.

We stuffed our books and binders and computers into our already stuffed backpacks, yanking them on our already aching shoulders, walking grudgingly to enter the already packed hallways.

Andie panted way harder and dramatically than necessary as we exited the hallway, and a faint smile spread across my face as she mimicked dying.

"Oh it wasn't even that packed, get up." I snorted, dragging her up by the hood of her sweatshirt while she gasped loudly in protest, walking towards the parking lot.

"You're not driving with me?" I asked, looking up to where she went towards her car.

She shook her head. "No, since you decided you're too good to spend a beautiful day at the park, I'll be driving by myself."

I rolled my eyes. "You're a terrible driver," I retorted, opening my car door. "I hope you enjoy living in the moment while dying."

"Oh I will!" She called indignantly from her car. "I'll be livin' the vida loca in my last moments while you'll just be like click, clack, click, clack," she mimed typing, looking more like she was pretending to be a zombie than anything.

I laughed, waving out of my window, as I exited the parking lot. "See you tomorrow!"

"See ya!" Andie called back, grinning.

I laughed to myself as I drove past the familiar roads. The sunlight was so bright I could barely see what was happening, my eyes stinging. It was only due to the muscle memory I'd developed driving these roads so often that I could do it with ease. Still, I made a mistake or two and I had to go back around, taking longer than I should've.

If Andie was here she'd probably tell me to enjoy the sunlight, but she wasn't, so I could say in peace that if sunlight was a person, it'd be an annoying brat. Like my little sister.

you were right (A Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now