Chapter Sixteen

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There's a heavy silence lingering in the air and our breaths seems to get thinner and thinner. 

Alice's eyes are wide with fear and my announcement didn't exactly make things any better. Chase bends his head down to hers and whispers soothing words while squeezing her hand softly, and I look away, fearing of invading this intimate moment. 

"Are you sure?" I turn around with eyes downcast and when I raise them I have to hold in the surprised scream. Drake is standing right in front of me, and his usual grey eyes are now burning red, filled with anger. I see his fists unclenching and clenching by his sides as he tries to control his outburst. A certain movement about his posture seems to have triggered something because Alice wiggles free from Chase's protective hold and steps in front of me, crossing her arms over her chest and staring up at Drake fiercely. The protective sister trigger has made her forget about any fears she had moments before and has given her the urge to protect me against whatever it is she thinks is danger. 

"Watch your tone when you speak to my sister." She hisses, her voice coming out cold and deadly. I've never seen her this angry before. I thought that she would be scared of me, knowing that I just reached into her mind and looked without warning and with her and everyone here as a witness, but she seems to have forgotten about that altogether. 

Drake snarls and bares his fangs, unable to control himself anymore. He lunges at Alice and she screams, but in a flash of movement he is tackled to the floor, throwing Chase off him again. Chase looks extremely pissed. They both stand upright and face each other off, hands balled at their sides and red eyes narrowed into slits. 

"Keep away from her." Chase growls again, sending Drake flying across the room in a simple punch in the stomach. Drake is up instantly but his eyes are still completely crimson, and his muscles are tense all over. He looks terrifying, and is trembling with rage. I feel Alice tug at my sleeve. We barely make it to the door when three other vampires appear: Hunter looks extremely pissed, Jay looks interested with his head tilted to the side, but Caleb just looks amused, clapping his hands excitedly and jumping up and down like a little girl. 

"Oh. My. God! I love man fights. It's so... sexy..." He lingers on the last word, his eyes following the two battling vampires. I restrain the urge to chuckle at Alice's baffled expression but this probably isn't the time. I have no idea how two vampires wanting to kill each other has him being completely calm, and even excited. 

"Is he...?" Alice trails off and I nod my head, a small smile on my lips. She forms a long "oh" but Hunter's deep and commanding voice booms through the room and I swear that it trembles as I lean on Alice for support. I loose the smile immediately. 

"What the hell are you two doing?" He growls, and everyone freezes as he takes another step into the quiet room. His eyes bore into the two who look utterly surprised as their eyes return to their normal colour. Drake looks around the room puzzled, as if he's got no idea what just happened. Chase shakes his head in confusion and groans as he drops to his knees. Alice runs over to him and cradles him in her arms, smoothing his hair down soothingly. 

Without waisting a second Hunter is standing over by Drake, gripping his arm fiercely and talking to him animatedly, both with scary looks on their faces, leaving just Caleb, Jay and me. 

Jay looks over at Alice and Chase with an expression that looks like... envy? Then, he turns his head and stares at me. I can feel his gaze on my face and I turn ten shades darker red, shifting uncomfortably on my feet. Caleb clears his throat, "So umm... I can sense a bit of a sexual tension so uhh... I'm just gonna leave you to do...that." He walks away awkwardly, throwing apologetical glances at me. At that moment, I seriously am thinking about killing him. 

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