Chapter Fourteen

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"What are you doing on the floor?" I blink three times, adjusting to the darkness, before I raise my head and meet a familiar face: he's got brown hair, with streaks of blonde in it and grey eyes that seem distant and very, very far away. 

"Nothing." I say, as I get back up onto my feet from the wall and stand uncertainly, shifting my weight from one foot to another. I can feel his eyes on me and I shift uncomfortably before making my way out of the modern-looking living room. I can hear his footsteps echoing behind my own as I reach a large room that looks like a kitchen-dining area. I turn around and see no-one. Confused I turn around again and there he is, seated on one of the bar stools by the counter, swinging his legs casually back and forth. 

Damn vampire speed. 

"So..." He begins cautiously, inspecting me closer with steel eyes, "You're Emma huh?" It doesn't sound like a question, more like he's clarifying his own thoughts. 

-And what's your name again?" I try to sound confident but my voice trembles slightly, still affected by our previous encouter. He notices and smirks, cocking an eyebrow that finally brings life and interest into his eyes. 

"Drake. Thought you'd known by now."

-What's that supposed to mean?" I cross my arms protectively around myself, taking a curious step back. He still looks amused, obviously enjoying me not knowing anything at all. He obviously revels in people being clueless.

"Well... I was pretty sure that Caleb had showed you around the place. He can be annoyingly happy." He states, and when he smiles mockingly, he makes sure that his fangs are showing. If it's something that he's doing to intimidate me, it's not working. In fact, it pisses me off a bit. I'm still on my own without Alice, who I've got no idea what happened to, and Jay's little speech didn't exactly lighten the mood. 

"Where's Alice?" I hiss through gritted teeth, ignoring the glistening white fangs on either side of his cocky smile. He retracts them and sighs, jumping off the stool and taking slow steps towards me. 

"Your sister? She's out with Chase somewhere, didn't say where he was taking her." He's right in front of me now, observing my reaction carefully, and even though the sound of my sister being away from me hurts, I can't let it distract me. Somehow, even as crazy as it might sound, I actually trust Chase, more than anyone here anyway.

He tils my head to the side, his icy fingers sending shivers down my spine. His eyes light up with amusement and he places that cocky expression on his face again. "Don't you think it's a bit too soon?" He says, and when he sees my horrified expression, bursts out laughing. He means Jay. 

"No! What- ! We didn't - I mean - What the hell!" I blurt out, waving my hands around frantically. "You've got the wrong idea! I didn't - I mean, we didn't -" 

I shut my mouth immediately when I realise that he's tricked me. Freaking douchebag. I slap myself mentally and try to recompose myself, even though his wide grin and his buckled-over position is quite funny in itself. My lips tug at the corners when he glances up at me which results into a new fit of laughter. 

Oh come on now, it's not that funny.

"Can we just forget about this please?" I beg, looking around with uncertainty. He shakes his head like a maniac, a wide grin spread across his face, lighting up his grey dull eyes. 

-Oh no! You're face was priceless!" I'm about to retort when the door swings open and a bright looking guy walks in, stretching his arms from side to side. 

His pale blond hair is a tuff of curls placed messily around his head and his baby blue eyes are looking around with glee; he radiates happiness, joy and so much innocence. But by the looks of his extreme beauty, I mentally note that he's a vampire, so there's must be some hidden darkness inside of him. He certainly doesn't look like it though, with all of that bright cheer floating like a gleaming aura around him. I'm immediately put in a good mood just looking at him. 

"Caleb." Drake recomposes himself and his eyes become distant again, pushing away any carefree behaviour he had just seconds ago. He must not like his friends to see him anything close to human, because from what I remember, he was acting extremely tough the first time I saw him. I shudder at the thought, but it vanishes immediately when Caleb stares at me and pulls me into a tight hug. At first, I'm surprised and tense, but when he pulls away with a huge smile, his lovely baby blue eyes sparkling into my own, I'm overcome with comfort and instantly relax. I have no idea where this feeling comes from, but I wish it'd never go away.

"You must be Emma." He points out, scanning me up and down with quite a feminine posture. Oh no, please don't be gay, please don't be gay!

His looks are way too good to only be reserved for men. "You are as gorgeous as everyone says you are!" He claps his hands with enthusiasm before plastering a serious look on his face, causing Drake to chuckle behind me. I can't help but smile myself; it's impossible to stay serious with this guy. "You're the mind reader right!?" He exclaimed, jumping up and down with excitement. When I nod with embarrassment at his interest-overload, he squeaks, like squeaks. 

"That's so awesome! I'd totally date you if I was straight." Damn. Would have been my first choice. "But because I'm not..." He approaches Drake slowly with a flirty smirk and slides a finger up his torso playfully. I want to laugh so hard but that would be rude right? 

Drake tenses up and slaps Caleb's finger away, taking a step away from him. When Caleb's mouth twitches into a childish annoyed pout, my limits break. I buckle over and cross my arms over my stomach, folding into a fit of hysteric laughter. Drake looks over at me with surprise but Caleb just smiles a second, before he skips happily out of the room like a crazy little boy who just got the candy he wanted.

"Well that was interesting." I state with smugness when Caleb's out of sight. Drake glares menacingly at me, but even I can distinguish the amused expression behind that cold mask. 

-I -" He begins.

-Em?" Drake is cut off mid-sentence and glares at something behind me, his mouth stretching into a thin line. I still haven't turned around but I know that voice all too well. The voice that screamed for me when I was taken away. The voice I've been wanting to hear for so long. I turn around and see her against Chase who's got an arm swung around her waist, her eyes filled with happy tears and such a lovely expression that I haven't seen her wearing in so long. Still now, I can't cry, because my eyes always dry up in these moments when normal people would cry their eyeballs out. 



A/N: OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY FREAKING GOD! I can't believe I've reached more than 1000 reads! Thanks so much for your support guys! To make this story even more popular, COMMENT VOTE SHARE with your friends!

Love you all so so so so much! 

-Sophia xoxo

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