Chapter 18

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This is only Rose and Jimin POV part 2

Next day~~

Ara's POV

Today we have school, Me and Jungkook is on our way to school

After a minute me and Jungkook arrived at the school

Jungkook: I'm going to my friends now see you later "Peck Ara's lips"

Ara: Okay see you "smile"

???: ARA!!!

Ara: Unnies!!!

i run to them and hug them

Rose: Guys let's go the rooftop later at lunch.....

Momo: Why??

Rose: I'm going to say something important "Smile"

Dahyun: Okay were going now, see you later "Wave her hand as Goodbye"

Rose: Byeee "Smile"

All of them left and Now me and Rose are both alone

Ara: Unnie, what are you going say later??

Rose: It's Time Ara, to them to know what happened to me when I'm high school "Slightly Smile"

Ara: Unnie are you sure?? "Worried"

Rose: Yes Ara I'm sure Don't worry I'm okay "Smile"

Ara: Okay it's your choice Unnie "Smile"

Rose: Let's go now "Smile"

Ara nodded

"Time skip"

All of them are on the rooftop waiting for Rose

All of them are on the rooftop waiting for Rose

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Rose: I'm sorry I'm late.....

Tzuyu: It's okay "Smile"

Aira: So what are you going to say???

Rose sigh and Explain everything what happened to her when she was high school

Everyone got shocked except to Ara because she already know it

Momo: Why you didn't tell to us???

Rose: I'm sorry i though you guys will treat me like a trash and like a dirty girl "sobbing"

Dahyun: Why are you saying that?? We will never going to do that to you..."Comfort Rose"

Tzuyu: You're like a big sister to us "Smile"

Aira: We are sorry Rose for not being there when you are suffering "sobs"

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