Chapter 24

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Ara's POV

When I woke up I didn't saw Jungkook beside me I think he is Down stairs

I got up from the bed as i go to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth, while I'm fixing myself I saw my bag is open and I accidentally saw the pregnancy test "A tear dropped on my eyes"

Ara: Don't worry Baby I won't leave you I promise "rubbing her tummy"

I wiped my tears and go downstairs

Ara outfit

Jungkook POV

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Jungkook POV

I saw Ara is going downstairs so I greet her

Jungkook: Goodmorning Babe! "Smile"

Ignore Jungkook

Jungkook: U-uhm l-let's eat breakfast....

Me and Ara eat breakfast silently

After Ara eat she go straight to her car and go to her work

Ara: I'm going now "Cold tone"

Before I could say goodbye she already left

Jungkook: Good-~~bye "Sigh"

Jungkook mind: Please Ara forgive me please I can't see us like this I miss you already please forgive me my love "Tears dropped from Jungkook eyes"

Ara's POV

While I'm driving way to my office I was crying nonstop then I remembered all what Jungkook do to me

I drive fast as I can then I quickly stop and got out of the car and cry so hard

Imagine that is you

Ara: Arghhh!! What did I do to you to do this to me!!!

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Ara: Arghhh!! What did I do to you to do this to me!!!


After a few minutes I go to my office while I'm crying thinking about Jungkook......and the girls go to my office worried

Rose: Ara!!!

Ara: Unnie! "Sob"

Rose: Shh don't cry I'm here now shh "Comfort Ara"

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