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There was a lot I had to accept

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There was a lot I had to accept.

I was afraid to even ponder about it, to even consider it. Because it felt like I was doing my best friend wrong.

I couldn't do that to Roz. Not even as a thought.

But I guess now there's no harm in pondering about it, for I am now alone in this realm.

The truth is, I have always loved Harvey. This wouldn't shock Salem or Ambrose or the aunties. Sabrina at the thought of them.

When the Aphrodite spell didn't work on Roz, I knew Harvey still felt the same way about me. I think he knew it too.

This means, Caliban was right.

Harvey chose not to speak to me about it. Probably for the same reason I didn't let myself even think about it all this time.

But the look on his face that day spoke a million words.

I saw it in his eyes, he feels the same guilt, when it comes to Roz. He can't do that to her.

I was the one who let Harvey go. I told him I loved him too much to ever put his life in danger. I told him I'd always love him.

Those words are still true.

And I have Nick.

Was Nick right when he said I was saving myself for someone else?

Deep down in my gut, I know the answer. I've always known the answer.

I feel relieved now that I've written these words out.

I don't want Harvey to visit me in this dream realm. Even if it's just a dream.

I can't do that to Roz.

CAOS PART 5 ~ No Flying Without YouWhere stories live. Discover now