King Kraken

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The man surveyed the corridor He wore a suit that looked as if it had been woven  from strong fibres and was underwater blue. As well of that, he had a brass helmet with a fogged up clear screen; brass gloves, one of them which had sharp ends on the end of the fingers; and big brass boots. And as a final touch, green algae was climbing up the suit as if it had been found in a shipwreck many years ago. The man had salvaged the brass from the bottom of the sea and woven the suit himself from undersea plants.

 The man had salvaged the brass from the bottom of the sea and woven the suit himself from undersea plants

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Shifting his weight slightly, he listened in intently. "Where are the goods" said a smooth clear voice. "Here " said one,  and a rustle was heard as if someone had taken out a map. There was some hushed conversation. Suddenly there was a muffled scream and sounds of a struggle. "So he's woken up already" said the smooth voice "I thought the anesthetic would run longer than that.". 

The man peered into the room. There were many people around a table, one of which was holding a map. The smooth clear voice belonged to the one at the head of the table and behind them there was a figure tied up and struggling. The person with the clear voice took out a needle and approached the captive . The man decided to make his move now.

He put his hands together and blew in. Then, taking them apart quickly,  he made a huge bubble and he ran in holding it. The one with a map took out a gun, but the bullets either bounced off the bubble or embedded themselves in it.  He grabbed the hostage and, with one strike, cut the rope using his spiky hand.  The people moved towards him, but the man only whistled. Then he called to someone in the corridor in a strange language that seemed to roll of his tongue". Suddenly a bubble flew in, and in it there was a squid. It jumped onto one of the people's heads, causing them to stumble into someone else. In the chaos, the man in the underwater blue suit broke the window and he jumped out carrying the hostage.

They free-falled for a few seconds, the man in the underwater blue suit desperately blowing into his cupped hands. roughly 60 metres above the ground the man in the underwater blue suit pulled his hands apart creating a huge bubble, trapping both him and the hostage inside. It did not break and both of them floated down peacefully until it hit the ground. The hostage was shaken. "Who are you" he asked. The man in the underwater blue suit said "My name is Xeas I but my enemies call me the King Kraken". Turning around, he called to the building and to the hostages surprise a voice answered him in the same language, and the squid floated down in its bubble. Xeas set off towards the seaport, the squid following him.

It was sunset and a figure was making its way across a beach. The squid in the bubble approached Xeas. He made an inquiry in his native language and Xeas responded. He then stood up. Looked around warily, then jumped into the water.

On the surface , the water looked dull. But, as he swam through the ocean at incredible speed, the further away from land he got , the more life and colour he noticed.

Finally he reached his home, it was a small house on the bottom of the sea, which looked as if it had been made of driftwood and strong underwater plants. It was lit up by phosphorescent plankton swimming in bulbs and inside there were a couple of small rooms: there was a kitchen with some sorts of knives and an old fridge that still worked. Most of the food he ate was undersea plants, some with incredible tastes that no-one had yet delved deep enough into the ocean to find. He occasionally, when he wanted a change, would sell some of the treasures he found underwater for money and then go buy food from some shops. He had passed on the fish and chips but he did enjoy spicy food, especially wraps with green peppers. They made his eyes water, but sometimes it was nice to get away from the eternal coldness of the sea. That was the one problem with living underwater: you would get cold quickly and it was hard to warm up as he couldn't make fire underwater. But no matter what, he still liked living underwater. It was peaceful and no-one came to bother him, in fact the only friend he saw on a regular basis was Re, his squid and lifetime companion..

Suddenly there was a knock on the door . Xeas sat upright in the chair. He had never had anyone knock on his door before so he was wondering what to do. Eventually, he realised it was coming from the door and opened it. 

It was a man. He was wearing  a rubber swimsuit , flippers and an oxygen tank.  Xeas had seen many people like this, swimming, photographing and generally admiring the marine landscape but never had one come to his door or even seen him before. Then he realised that this was no ordinary diver. He saw a strange symbol and was about to form a word when the diver grabbed him and  the string attached to them  went taut and was pulled back. 

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