Invading the base

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It was the middle of the morning. The sun beat down on the pair in the car, as they drove on the motorway. Eventually, they reached a forest, and Musawenkosi parked the car there. As they got out, he pressed a button on the side, and it seemed to fold itself into a rock. "You spent way too much money on that feature" she said. "Well you can't complain now, its finally come in useful." Then they stiffened and both jumped into a bush at the same time. Just in time, as then two people came walking out of the forest. They looked like dog walkers from far away, but they were wearing sinister metal masks. They looked around before turning, and Musawenkosi beckoned to Mille to follow him.

After a long walk, They reached the camp. It seemed to be a deserted factory, and there were signs saying "Danger of death, trespassers will be prosecuted" that were obviously meant to look old, but upon closer inspection they looked as if they had been placed weeks ago. They crawled through a hole in the wire fence, making sure not to alert the "Dogwalkers" , and sneaked in.

Xeas fell to the ground, the crab-man looming over him. He created a bubble almost in an instant, but the crab-man was too fast and popped it, and then went for the chest, which Xeas only just dodged. Alma, meanwhile, was fighting off the man with thorns in his arms. She swung a sword into the man, who dodged and shot out an array of thorns. Very soon though, Alma had finished with her opponent and started to help Xeas with his. They were done in a couple of minutes, and removed both masks. Luckily, they were not bonded too much and Alma and Xeas could go back into the base. Xeas began to read one of the books

"What were the sleeping prophets of the caves ?" He asked after a while. Alma started and then replied "They were people with powers. People used to think that they were sent from a higher power, and they would spend all their day sleeping, and at the end, they would relate all the dreams they had, and would try and interpret that. Occasionally, they were taken on hunts to use their powers, but only when the clan was incredibly low on food. They are quite an interesting piece of history."

"What about 'A callback form?'"

"That's a theoretical bit of science. It says that, very rarely, when someone is threatened enough and it feels as if there is no hope left, there powers are multiplied and they go into a sort of trance. It is so rare that it is almost impossible to test, that is why its theoretical. People who have supossedly had one say they can remember things that happened before their lifetime, sometimes thousands of years before and they feel a strange sense of unity. Sort of a near-death experience crossed with an adrenaline rush."

"I never knew humans were so interesting. I was raised by squids, and I only learned english when I was older by listening to people. "

"What about squids?" She asked

"I don't know" he said. "When I was a child, I never remembered anything I was told. It all seemed so trivial then, but I sort of wish I listened. I haven't met a single squid except The one in the bubble since I left home. I have been missing speaking my language. It is really interesting."

"Could you teach me some? " asked Alma "I already know spanish, french, greek and czech, and I am aiming to learn more. I'm the linguist of the group, and I'm quite good at grasping languages."

So Xeas taught her the different sections of a sentence, how you linked up verbs and nouns adjectives and adverbs and how you had to make sure to have the same endings for linked words. At the end, she had learned a lot and they were both very tired. As Xeas went to his room, he passed a storeroom full of masks. There were almost 200 and he out the two he had gotten today inside.

Inside the factory, Mille and Musawenkosi went separate ways to seek out anything of use. Musawenkosi was mainly looking for the store-room of masks. If they found and took all of the masks, it could be a massive turning point for the war. Suddenly he came across a masked man, but before the man could cry out, he picked him up, smashed him down and tied him up, then removed the mask, and left the man trying to crawl toward the mask. He wished he could take the mask, but if his plan went right, he would have hundreds of masks to take home and one mask might slow him down. He soon found the door marked "Mask room" and ran inside. Once inside, he looked around. There was nothing there. A trap!! He rolled out of the way and put his hands over his head, expecting men to burst into the room. Nothing happened. No running men, no alarms, no shutters closing on doors. He uncurled himself and looked around. On closer inspedction there were 3 masks in the room. 3! Only 3 out of almost 10000. Which meant that there were much more people in the army than expected. And they would need more. Where were there more masks? It hit him:

The kebab store!

He ran out of the room, determined to get back before Xeas and Alma did.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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