Prologue: Akrar

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Image: My concept of young Hershir Falkor Svardock. (Made in Artbreeder)

Author's note: The term "Hershir" is made up by me and is used to address the male leaders of each village. I hope you very much enjoy my story.

The sun rose again in the valley, with it's rays slowly going through the gaps on the wooden walls and filling each house with light. Raindrops from last night were still slipping down the thatched rooftops, making them shine at the reflection of the sun. And that's why the people of Akrar appreciated rainy days so much, it was indeed a magical sight.

Every morning was blissful for Hershir Falkor Svardock too. The sight of his wife waking up by his side, looking almost angelic as the sun laid his eyes on her platinum blond hair and her porcelain skin. Falkor couldn't help but gently caress her cheeks with his fingers and kiss her forehead. He always did it on purpose though, because he knew that if she woke up, he would get to gaze at her eyes. Her light blue eyes, almost gray as the cloudy sky. Falkor felt the happiest person alive every time the sun rose.

"Good morning." he said while cupping his face with her hand. "I adore you." he moved his hand on her belly while sensing her smile on him.

"You're in a good mood today, aren't you husband?" she said mockingly.

"It's a great day outside today why wouldn't I be?" he continued to tease her more. "Our son will be a great warrior."

"Are you sure it's a he?"

"Even if it's a girl, which I doubt, I will teach her how to handle a sword. Any objections?" he said.

Aredhel gave him the same loving smile that she used to give him for three years since they got married. "When she turns ten, then you may." she said, clearly emphasizing on the baby's gender.

"As you wish. Come on let me lift you." he gently lifted her up by the shoulders in order for her to stand up.

It was quite difficult for her to do many tasks during the day, because of her heavy pregnancy, but Falkor stood up by her side as much as he could. Even when a few women from the village offered to help Aredhel, he refused because he wanted to do it by himself. Besides, it was a pleasure for him, no matter how busy he was. Aside from his wife though, Falkor cared for his people too. The other Hersires were quite arrogant but he was different. He was interested in his people's opinions and he often organized councils where he accepted advise from the men of the village.

But now that his child was about to be born he became even more responsible. He wanted them to be born in this perfect and peaceful place that he managed to make. So he was willing to eliminate anything that threatened to destroy it.

On the other side of the valley, alongside the sea, where waves crashed in the giant rocks that rose from the bottom of the ocean, was the rumored island of sirens, Osar. The village stood gracefully on the top of the giant rocks and the houses were pretty similar like the ones in Akrar. But it was quite different at the same time. The best part of the day for the people of Osar was when the sun set. The cloudy sky that looked like a peculiar work of art and the sun that slowly turned red as he disappeared in the sea. Osar and Akrar were in great terms for many years. They used to trade plenty of goods and they made common councils for their sea raids.

Hershir Valkar Thorgautson was the son of Hershir Kein Thorgautson who died fighting in the Great Viking wars. He was a brave man who could not stand injustice and he never took advantage of his place. Before he left for the war, his wife was pregnant with a boy. Valkar was different than the other children and it was more noticeable as he grew older. He learned about the world's cruelty from a young age when his father was taken away from him. He lost the man who looked up to and he had to grow up all alone. Valkar lost his spark and started focusing in combat practicing. Even the most capable men of the village weren't able to beat him. When he took his father's place, he finally felt like he had achieved something important but even that didn't fulfil him.

Valkar ended up abusing his power. He became unjust and cold-hearted towards his people. Every once a month the villagers had to pay a tax of 5 silver coins each. Anyone who dared to disobey his order would get exiled from Osar and very few of them would survive. Valkar made an alliance with an eastern Viking tribe and in exchange, they provided him with a group of soldiers. Valkar set the group on the village and they obeyed in his orders as part of their agreement. These soldiers became the fear of the people of Osar. Every month they would raid into the houses of the villagers and steal valuable items. Whoever stood in their way, would get killed and Valkar did not care at all.

The situation spread quickly to the other Vikings. Hersire Falkor became aware of the situation as well and he decided to act immediately. He gathered a few men and they headed towards Osar. As the hooves of their horses hit the ground gracefully, Falkor couldn't help but have a bad feeling about this situation. And he was right. When they arrived in Osar, they couldn't believe in their eyes. Women were screaming everywhere while they were trying to escape from the soldiers. The whole thing had gone too far. Valkar's soldiers were hunting down women and many men who stood in their way were being killed.

"Falkor, we should do something." One of Falkor's men advised him but Falkor didn't answer. Instead he whipped his horse and he moved towards Valkar's house. He stood outside on his horse and with a threatening look on his face, he started shouting for Valkar to come out.

"Well, well, well. To what do I owe the honor of your presence on my village, Hershir Falkor?" Valkar said sarcastically.

"Many of your people came to me begging for help and I come here to face this brutality? Who are these peasants?"

"You see my old friend, unlike you I like to expand my horizons. Let's say they're a gift from a new ally, hm?" Valkar said, still being awfully calm.

"You made alliances without me and the rest of the Hershirs approving, do you understand the severity of what you've done?" Falkor got off his horse.

"Why Falkor? Will you kill me?" Valkar laughed at his own words.

Falkor pulled his axe from his boot and pointed it to Valkar. "I'm not going to let you treat the people like that."

Valkar started to laugh psychotically but slowly his face turned gloomy. "First you come into my village uninvited. Then you have the nerve to offend me right in front of my face. You must be out of your damn mind!" he growled as he pulled his sword from it's sheath and ran in Falkor's direction.

Both of them were fighting with passion. Valkar's hits were stronger but Falkor was able to dodge them because he was moving faster. At one point though, Valkar managed to hit Falkor slightly on his face with his sword, making a deep cut that was certain to leave a scar. Even with his face covered in blood, Falkor managed to disarm Valkar and throw him on the ground. Then, he pointed his neck with his axe.

"You are not the person I knew anymore."

Valkar turned his head to the side and spat a few drops of blood from his mouth. Then he turned back and looked at Falkor with a sarcastic look.

"Well maybe you never knew me."

"I won't be merciful next time." Falkor said threateningly before he gathered his men to leave the village.

"I look forward to it! I will destroy you, you hear me? You will have nothing left!" Valkar screamed. As he was trying to get up, one of his soldiers offered him his help but Valkar grabbed his sword and cut his wrist in half, leaving him screaming.

"I do not need your help you rascal!"

"My lord." one of his other soldiers approached him.

"What is it? Do you wish to enter the gates of Valhalla sooner, maybe?" Valkar growled.

"Of course not sir." the soldier stuttered.

"Then why on earth do you keep getting on my nerves?"

"I just wondered what would your next move be sir."

Valkar stood up and brushed the blood from the corner of his mouth. "If you wish to know so badly, I will take everything he ever loved. He will regret the time he was born into this world..."

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