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Crunchy Sprite🥴

Theo: in your opinion, who's the best superhero?

Theo: mine is Iron Man

Keeho: Captain America. His shield is so cool😎

Intak: Captain America literally has no powers. He just throws his shield around and does hand to hand combat

Intak: so your opinion is invalid

Jiung: one, I agree with Intak. Two, Thor. I mean he's a god🙄

Soul: Spider-Man. I want to be just like him ☺️

Jongseob: I also pick Spider-Man. Mostly because I wanna shoot people with my spidey webs. Pew pew🕸

Keeho: oh Soul! How precious! You can be Spider-Man if you want to be him

Soul: really! Okay then! I'm going to go get bit by a spider!

Jongseob: it has to be radioactive!


Jiung: so I just heard Soul asking a spider if it was radioactive or not

Jiung: and then continue to proceed to get bit by it

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