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Manami froze as she heard her best friends' exclamation. "Oh this?" she mumbled to herself before making a run to the bathroom.

Karma came home after a 3minute walk. He knew he should've told Manami they were actually neighbors, but he'd like to see her surprised once more.

"Hey, Octopus! this is so cliche, we've been neighbors the entire time and you had us meet at school?" He calls out. He took off his jacket and shirt and put them in the laundry. He took his phone out of his back pocket to check if Kanzaki already sent him the picture. 

No new notifications

His phone read. He threw it on the couch and went straight to wash up.


"Just wait a minute I'm putting on cl- AKARI?!" Manami sped up her movements to open her bedroom door to confirm her guess.

And there she was Kaede Kayano. Manami and Kanzaki choose to call her Akari, it's her real name. Koro-sensei didn't give that whole lesson about Justice for nothing. Though when speaking outdoors, even on the phone- her name is Kayano.

She's in her home clothes. Hair in a bun and a hat dedicated to her new movie. It was her disguise, oddly enough it always works.

As of now, she was jumping in her place. With Kanzaki moving in the background, preparing the center table with... cake? Kayano must've brought it, and each of their favorite drink. The junk food was put out and set to the side. They'll eat that later when they go deep in convo.

"YEAH IT'S ME!" without warning, Kayano took her left hand "w-where the hell is it?!" she flipped Manami's hand back and forth as if that would make a difference.

"W-where's what?" Manami tried to play off, but once Kayano's looking for something she's somehow develops their teacher's zoom eyes. 

In short terms, Kayano screamed as she ran into Manami's room and to her table beside her phone, laid a silver ring. 

"MANAMI OKUDA! SINCE WHEN?! HOW?! I- WE HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED ON THE MOOD BOARD FOR YOUR WEDDING! KANZAKI LOOK! IT'S BEAUTIFUL!" Her two friends then went to the living room, both held the ring as they talked 'wedding plans'

"Oh let's make the cake slug out red fondue when it's sliced... I bet it'll hype the groom up!" Manami heard. She immediately thought to run to her friends and stop their planning when her phone rang. "aaaah! I bet it's him calling her!" 

Manami bashfully took her phone and answered it, dumping herself on her bed.

"Manami, I can hear you guys from all the way up here" The girl immediately sat up straight and ran to her window. She looked up and saw Karma waving at her, she noticed his hand level up a bit as he nods- gesturing behind her. And there were her friends... recording.

"Though I wouldn't really mind if they actually thought we're engaged... just imagine, the gifts, the party, the food!"

Manami, for what felt like the nth time tonight, shook her head. This caused the man on the other line to chuckle.

"I'm going to have to clear this up myself don't I?" She pouted.

"Yes, Love"

"OMG THEIR ENDEARMENT IS LOVE CFVHBJ- shut up Akari! Manami might-"

"KARMA~~ was this call linked to them the entire time?" Manami, having enough of this ordeal, asked calmly.

"Karma's a bitch, Love"

"Yes. He is"

"I meant this is pay back for what you did at the Maid Cafe. Geez Nami-nam-nam"

The girl finally laughed as she looked straight into his eyes "I am dropping this call and the next time and please never call me that again?" another chuckle from the redhead "Goodnight, Karma~" without waiting for a reply, The girl ended the call and went straight to her best friends.

"Sit" and that they did.

two slices of cake each and four opened bag of chips in, Manami finally finished explaining everything to her friends, leaving out the plans of pranking everyone attending the reunion of course. It's now 4am, and none of them planned on sleeping. Explaining took longer than it should have since every sentence, both of them has to have a moment to comment.

"Since when did you have some spice?" Kayano joked, grabbing another piece of cake "Still though, I feel real bad. If this ring did belong to a guy who got rejected..." She says as she looked at the ring on her finger.

"But really, Manami. We wished we were there! That is out of character for you! We're happy" Kanzaki added. 

It's true. If she's being honest, she surprised herself today. It only dawned on her now as she talked it out- If they were happy, she was overjoyed. this has been a side of her she's always wanted to surface but never could.

Thank you Karma

"Hey, Nagisa. You got some time off from your delinquents? Let's hang out, I'm getting jealous of certain friend who are hanging out right now"

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