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Everyone was getting tired of seeing Karma up in front of the room, sulking.

After last night, Karma left his mark on Manami which frustrated her a bit and so he's to stay distant until she says so, though she mostly demanded the distance to mess with him.

"Karma we get it you want touch Oku-"

"Okajima! Shut your mouth!"

Karma shook his head to get himself out of his daze as he noticed that Isogai was at his side.
The class all gathered in the old campus to discuss strategies on how to find and put the man behind this to an end.

"Alright. So the rookie assassin's with Mr.K now but we managed to squeeze something out of the bastard before turning him in" Karma starts, an evil smirk on his face as he said so "Literally"


"Relax, Love. I only gave the man a goodbye hug"

No one saw the point in arguing anymore. This was Karma, it should be expected and so all they did was chuckle as the red head who cowered under Manami's glare.

"Anyways... What we know is that this man works alone. He only calls assassins who he thinks can pull off what he wants to happen and he calls them on the spot, meaning the day he wants to execute his plans is the day he hires them." Isogai explains when Kataoka raised her hand.

"Can't we come up with a name for the guy behind all this? It's kinda confusing" she spoke and almost everyone agreed.

"What about Cellman?" Terasaka suggested.

Karma nodded "It's stupid but let's get it over with and use it"

"What'd you say, Punk?!"

"Takebayashi, did Cellman ever call you or he sent minions to send the message?" Isogai asks, choosing to move away from the nonsense argument.

Takebayashi has been avoiding both Manami and Karma since the nearly successful abduction attempt on Manami. He realized he's been selfish and nowhere near smart when he coward under Cellman.

He stood and fixed his glasses "I did. And I can vouch that he is using different contacts to speak with people he hires. He only called me because he found out that you all got involved"

"Alright. So now that's over with, we know he's on to us meaning we might be under his watch. But one thing for sure is, he knows Poison Specs is Manami so he'll definitely keep an eye on her" Karma explained. He still had his grudge on Takebayashi and so the bespectacled man sat down in shame.

"So you're saying that Manami is already being watched" Kayano simplified.

Karma nodded before facing the class again "It also means that her apartment, Kayano and Kanzaki are being watched. In short, we'll be doing recons but Kayano, Kanzaki and Manami will stay home as baits"

The three girls nodded full of determination. Two out of the guys glanced in worry, Karma felt the same but he knew that they could handle it.

"So I'll be staying at my house for tonight?" Manami asks, before Karma could answer however, Hara raised asked the question everyone wanted to ask.

"Where are you staying now, Okuda?"

"She's staying with me" Karma simply answers while Manami felt her anxiousness as she saw her class' mixed expressions "Hey Class Perv. If you know what's good for you, you better not make one comment about it"

Okajima grumbled along with crossing his arms mumbling "I'll just let my imagination do its work then"

"Hang on" Karma placed his fist on his palm in false deep thinking "I don't really feel safe with all three girls left alone. And it'd be far too weird and obvious if I stayed with..."

Nagisa visibly froze in his spot.

"Hey, Nagisa~ it's been a while~" almost the entire class' boys cooed.

"C'mon guys. It's been years..." the blue head whined along with a forced smile on his lips.

"All the more reason to do it!" Karma clapped.

"Right!" The men chorused.

"Now that we got that settled, back to planning" Karma clapped "Kanzaki, Kayano, Manami make sure you sleep in the same room tonight"

The girls nodded, they weren't really even sure if they could've slept separated at this point. Assassination has been a while for them.

"Make sure you really do. For my sanity" Karma basically begged to which the girls nodded again along with Manami smiling.

"Okay. Let's to a recap to settle this-"

"U-uhh not to be a bum but can we, maybe go somewhere less creepy?" Manami requested and soon the entire class took notice of there environment. The clouds were in shades of grey as strong gusts of wind slammed against their windows "seems like a storm might drop by so..."

"You heard the lady. Get our asses out of this room and back to my place!" The class followed Karma's instruction and went their own way of transport.

As the two, Karma and Manami, rode off back to Karma's apartment. Manami became fidgety.

"Love, what's wrong?" Karma asks as he placed his hand on top of hers. Manami instantly pulled a way much to Karma's shock "Manami. What's wrong?"

He parked the car to the side of the road and focused all his attention on her. Manami landed her eyes on his for the first time since they left the campus.

"I-it's women problems..." she timidly spoke, Karma laughed before caressing her head.

"Love, you scared the crap out of me for a moment there. What do you need? Napkin? Chocolates? Ice cream?"

"I-i don't think I'll still join the meeting when we get home so I'll stay in the room if that's-"

"Hey, Manami doesn't feel well. Let's postpone for now... Okay. Thanks, Isogai" Karma spoke to the person on the other end of the call, right after- he faced Manami once again with a mischievous glint "C'mon. What type of suitor would I be if I just let you suffer through this alone?"

Manami felt her heart slam harder against her chest but smiled nonetheless.

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