Chapter 5

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     In the early hours of the morning, Rin walks over to the Takamis; in her hands is a large bundle. She approaches the big sliding doors and knocks a couple times with her small fists. "Mr. and Mrs. Takami! Are you guys home?" She knocks again louder this time. "Mrs. Taka-" Rin is cut off by seeing the tired middle-aged woman open the door.

     "R-rin? What are you doing here so early? The sun hasn't even risen yet." Rin hands the bundle in her grip over to the questioning lady. "Here. Please take this to the next town and trade or sell it for my husband's medicine. Please." The tiredness fades away from Mrs. Takami's consciousness upon hearing the pregnant Rin's request.

     "What is it Rin?" The older woman asks as she weighs the bundle in her hands. It isn't too heavy, but it isn't too light as well. Mrs. Takami couldn't help but be curious as to what Rin wanted to sell. In this abandoned village, you either farm, or you go hunting. The older Mrs. sets down the bundle and unties the knot.

     "Oh my!" Shocked is an understatement for what Mrs. Takami saw. She reaches in and touches the folded softness. "R-rin, how can did you get these?" She touches and runs her hands on the softness again. "Rin, these are silk. Very fine silk cloths by the way. How did you procure these? In the mountains?"

     "These silk cloths are mine." Rin's stiff voice pierces into the distracted Mrs. Takami. "Rin are you sure you want to sell these off? Fine silk like this is very rare indeed. Maybe you should keep these for your child instead. Mr. Takami and I will find another way to get the medicine for Ren."

     Shaking her head Rin tells her, "No. I want to sell these and get the medicine as fast as possible. I'm grateful that the both of you are helping us. But this the quickest way I know to get the medicine for Ren." Seeing the determination and love in Rin's hazel eyes, Mrs. Takami asks one last time, "Are you really sure Rin? Like I said these are probably best to be left for your child as heirlooms. We'll find another way."

     "No. Like I said this is the fastest option we have." The young woman's decision is strong and resolute. Making the older woman cave in. "Alright. My husband and I will leave later for the town." Rin's eyes shine just a tad bit brighter when hearing Mrs. Takami. "Thank you." The younger Mrs. turns around leaves with gratitude and more hope in her eyes and heart. 'Poor Rin and Ren.' The older woman couldn't help but cry out for the young couple.

     She clasps her hands tightly together and prays out loud, "Kamisama, please watch over the both of them. They're still so young and are expecting a child. Please have mercy on them."


     The chirping crickets signal the end of summer. The autumn breeze chilling the hot air that is lingering around. The livelihood of a poor couldn't afford and maintain the expensive medicine needed. Day after day and night after night, Rin dedicated herself to weaving at the loom. All for the sake of her most beloved husband, who is getting weaker and weaker.

     Once again, Rin is sitting by the window weaving. A maple leaf falls, and the breeze carries it through the small window. The leaf lands on Rin's laps. Stopping her movements, she picks up the orange leaf and turns her attention outside and see leaves falling everywhere outside, surrounding their small house. She stares at the fleeting maple leaves.

     With a grim and gloomy face, Rin resumes her weaving. "No, I can't. I can't let your life fall away like those leaves do." Teardrops roll down her rosy cheeks again. Wiping them away her resolve strengthens once more, "It's not the time to be crying right now."

     After finishing the silk cloths, Rin goes to check up on Ren. Sliding their bedroom door open, she enters and puts on a genuine smile. She comes to sit down beside him. Hearing his wife come in, Ren scoots up into a sitting position.

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