In the beginning...
Before the dawn of time, order and chaos existed within an extra-dimensional being known as The One. To explore the emerging universe he created the astral being known as Unicron, and then sub-divided him creating his twin Primus.
Both brothers were unique in all realities, but whereas Unicron could exist in one dimension at a time, moving between them at will, Primus existed simultaneously in all realities.
As Unicron and Primus went about their appointed task, journeying through the cosmos, it became clear to primus that unicron was a corrupt being, destroying a world of magic and life, tormenting the population before appearing in 2003 Tokyo, Japan. And primus took it upon himself to stop the threat posed to all of existence by his sibling.
In combat Primus was no match for Unicron. In cunning, however, he proved himself his brother's superior when he moved there battle to the astral plane, then back the the physical world once more, only to have both there essences manifest within metallic planitoids, leaving them both trapped. It was with this act of sacrifice that Primus hoped to repress Unicron's evil forever, though, it was already too late.
The unknown disease began to devour the forms of the populous leaving the particles in the air, infecting any other, who came into contact with it. Unfortunately for Primus, over time, Pnicron learned to psionically shape his prison into a giant metallic planet, and Primus followed suit, becoming the mechanical world of Cybertron.
When Unicron then learned to transform his planetary form even further, into a gigantic robot form, Primus altered the idea to suit his own ends-rather than transforming his own body, he would take the the dead of the world Unicron infected and create small beings that would be born with a body and a living armor that would be apart of there soul, and be able to change their shape, like Unicron.
After creating four moons from his own body started a "test run" on the moon of protos, where he successfully created from his own body thirteen beings that possessed the shape changing armor, like Unicron. These were the thirteen original primes, each one infused with a fragment of Primus's life essence known as a spark. To try and turn the tide, Primus gave each a unique role, nature, and artifact of power to aid the struggle.
In order of there creation, they are Prima(leader of the primes Wieler of the star Saber), Vector Prime(protector of time), Alpha Trion(archivist of the primes), Solus Prime(Smith and artificer of the primes), Micronus Prime(telekinetic member of the primes), Alchemist Prime(scientist of the primes), Nexus Prime(first combiner and Wilder of the enigma of combination), Onyx Prime(The only member of the primes to have a beast form), Amalgamous Prime(Shapeshifter of the primes), Quintus Prime(the only prime with the power of creation from nothing),and Liege Maximo(the trickster of the primes), the twelfth prime's name was stricken from history only to be remembered as the fallen(Wilder of The Requiem blaster). The thirteenth prime is only remembered as the prime to give his life to ignite the well of all sparks Befitting his title The Arisen.
The thirteen were Primus's soldiers in his war with Unicron, which ended in a climactic battle in which Unicron was put to sleep and banished into a black hole never to be seen again. The only remaining bits of him were collected and put into a space station known as trypticon.
After a period of building and construction, with the new tribes of cybertron, tensions between the primes slowly grew. Secretly manipulated by liege Maximo, megatronus kills solus prime on her colony world caminus, causing the first schism in the primes.
After megatronus is defeated liege Maximo makes his own play for power, but is defeated and imprisoned on the titan carcer with his tribe as his prison guards. After this great battle nexus prime fragments himself into five cybertronians, each one carrying and guarding a fragment of the cyber caliber. His components are dubbed clocker, mainspring, chaindrive, cannonspring, and pinion.
The once idealistic vector prime despairs and seals himself away in a pocket dimension. Onyx prime, and the majority of the primes leave cybertron on there titans to establish there own colonies. Alpha trion and alchemist prime vow to remain on cybertron and nurture the remaining tribes into a new civilization. Quintus Prime left with the intention of creating new races that will ally with future cybertronian civilizations.
A.N. Tell me if you want to see this because I am obsessed with nier/dreakengerd games.
Nier: Cybertron
FanfictionHumanity at its end was doomed do to the actions of Unicron.