Kat, Are You Okay?

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After a few hours of constantly catching fish, bugs, and collecting miles, I went to the Resident Services tent to sell to Timmy.

"Haha! Mr. Nook! You are so funny!"

I heard Kat say as I walked over to Timmy.

Katrina and Mr. Nook are laughing near the crafting bench while I just rolled my eyes.

Timmy saw my reaction and said,

"Is something wrong, Y/n?"

I looked down at the adorable tanuki and said,

"No, it's alright. I don't want to worry anybody about it"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.

"Hey! What was that for?!"

He got serious for a second.

"I know exactly what this is about. It's about Kat and Uncle Tom, right? How they're getting along so well?"

I then realized he noticed the same thing I did.

"Yes! That's exactly it! Why are they being so friendly? And why aren't they including me in everything? Kat is my best friend and she never ignores me! Like, what is her deal!?"

"Right!? Me and Tommy are being totally ignored too! It seems all he wants to talk about is Kat! Kat, Kat, KAT!"

I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah! We need to find out what's going on!"

As Timmy started to ramble on about how him and his brother want to open a shop,  I looked over at Kat, who had just come out of the tent with Tom. She gave me an icy, cold death glare that pierced my eyes.

I've never seen her look at me with such. . .evil.

Tom on the other hand, had a frightened expression on his face.

What in the hell is happening??

Did something happen last night? Maybe a bad dream?

Well, I had a weird dream about a white dog playing a guitar who says 'daddy-o' in every sentence.

But, after that, I had a bad dream about how Kat turned out to be a serial killer and murdered Tom and the Nooklings.

So much bloody fur. . .


I am pulled out of my thoughts as Timmy had clapped his paws together to wake me from my daydreaming.

"You keep falling in and out of reality"

I look at my NookPhone to see it was 11:42 AM.

"Yeah. Well, I want to sell these fish and bugs. Where would I go to sell them?"

Timmy looked very excited.

"Hand them to me and I'll give you bells for them!"

I handed Timmy the bugs and fish, and got about 15,000 bells worth of stuff.

"Wow! I must've hit the jackpot!"

He clapped and said,

"Please do come to me or Tommy if you have any questions about selling or buying! We'll be here!"

I thanked him, and walked off.

I spent the rest of the day collecting miles for cleaning up the island. I sold a ton of my stuff to Timmy.

I was making my way out and saw Tommy holding a Nook Inc. Pennant in his hand.

"Hey, Tommy! How are ya?"

He saw me and smiled.

"Awesome! You?"

I smiled and laughed.

"Amazing! I feel great! I'm going to go get some wood from trees. Wanna come?"

He smiled and reached up to grab my hand.

"Of course!"

We made our way to the trees. I chopped off some wood from nearby trees and handed the extras to Tommy, who kindly volunteered to hold them for me.

As we got to the last tree, I swung my axe, and it hit the tree, setting free a wasps nest.

I gasped and Tommy dropped all of the wood in surprise.

I ran away in a hurry, leaving Tommy behind, which I deeply regretted.

Fortunately, the wasps didn't target him.

Unfortunately, the wasps targeted ME.

I continued running around the island, using all of my energy. As soon as I couldn't run anymore, I collapsed, and the wasps surrounded me and stung me all over.


I screamed in agony, as I could feel the poison entering my bloodstream from all over.

I heard the rustling of leaves, and Timmy and Tommy were at my side.

"Y/n! Are you okay!?"

Timmy and Tommy said in unison.

I sat up and rubbed my head.

As Timmy and Tommy walked me back to my house, I could see through my one good eye that Tom was concerned, but worried.

Kat on the other hand, was grinning with satisfaction and a look of pure hatred.

I have to find out tomorrow what they are hiding.

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