the final battle

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"What is this place,?" asked Jack and looked down where the only thing he could see was darkness "this is the only way to Necropolis," watch out where you're walking said Selenia.
they walked over the rickety bridge and the narrow path
until they reached a sign that said,
no way out and it had a rope hanging right under the sign.

"When you think you cant go further down..." said Jack mumbling in him self  looking down the pit and the rope"
"Alright come on," Selenia said the rest followed her fast "oof!"
They quickly hid behind a wall "how do we get in? There are 2 seiths in front of the door" whispered Beta "Let us handle that," said Jack and he looked towards Arthur who nodded
they snuck up onto the seith guards from behind and jack counted down with his fingers,

3 2 1,

Wham! And both of the Seith was down at the same time.
"Let's hide them," jack said" and he grabbed a seith,
Arthur followed with the other one and they hid them behind the wall
"Alright but now how do we get up there?" Beta asked Jack looked "see up there,
I would say use you're knife" and Jack pointed to a big crack above the doors.
"Ah yes," Beta said serious and he grabbed his knife,
Pointed it at the crack and pew! A rope came shooting out with a grabbling hook attached to it Beta pulled it "All alright up we go "nice going dude" Jack said and gave a bit of a smile towards Beta.

"Are you okay?" Arthur asked Selenia and put an arm over her shoulder" I haven't heard you argue or just anything for a while,
Selenia gave a little smile "I'm fine I'm just nervous that's all" Selenia hugged Arthur and Arthur gladly returned the hug,
 he understood her perfectly after all what the last time happened...

He thought for a second and then he walked towards the rope "come on Arthur your turn" Jack said
"Yes," Arthur said with a smile and he climbed up and Jack after him.
"Alright everyone up?" Selenia asked "yes," they all said they all stood on the door and Jack pulled the rope up. "Alright here," Jack said to Selenia and Selenia attached it the other way around the way that they could get down to the other side "perfect..." she whispered to herself and she got down slowly the rest followed, "and just when I thought things could not get any dirtier around here yuck..." Selenia said and she waved her hand in front of her nose
"well it could always be worst," Jack said with a serious look on his face, and Arthur, Selenia, and Beta looked at him like he has said something utterly weird
"well shouldn't we be looking for M?" Jack said and walked further "yes," Selenia and Arthur Said in a hurry and they walked further. Arthur thought to himself "stupid" and slapped his face.


"My lord we have the elixir of life you requested"
"good good... " a dark voice said "show it to me" Maltazard who sat on a little wooden throne too small to call it even a throne
the saith pulled it out of the bag and rapped the leave off of it a golden glow came of it
"Perfect" Maltazard said
-on the other side,
"are you just going to the middle straight for it?!" Beta asked Selenia with fear in his voice
"yes Betamache it's going to be okay" Selenia reassured him and she walked further
Jack put a hand on Beta his shoulder "come on dude" Jack said.
they walked slowly and very quietly
until they came around the corner where they saw him...
"M..." Selenia said with anger on her face Arthur put a hand on her shoulder "it's going to be okay he reassured her. "alright let's move on," Jack said and he sneaked to the front from the side the rest followed Jack grabbed his sword, sneaked up to M "you!" Jack had his sword pointed to M his head "how did you get in here who are you!?" Maltazard said and looked surprised at the same time
he looked around and saw Selenia, Beta and Arthur "ahh," he said with an evil smile on his face " so these are your friends"
"give me what is there's M, before I kill you," Jack said with no regret on his face
Maltazard began to laugh and stood up "You amuse me... grab them!
 Maltazard said,
they already grabbed Arthur, Selenia, and Beta because they were standing so close to the saiths but before they could grab Jack "ugh!" He swung his sword at Maltazard and hit him, Maltazard who attacked back also hit him right at his right arm and Jack started to bleed "seis him!" Maltazard said you'll pay for that... "Oof!" Jack was being set next to Arthur "you okay?" Arthur asked " ye no worries it's just a scratch," said Jack with a smile.

Arthur, Jack and the minimoysWhere stories live. Discover now