A Big World

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Jack woke with a start At first he thought he was dreaming,
he looked around the rest was still sleeping
And it was still a bit dark he looked around and saw that he
was in a flower,
He stood up, walked towards the outside of the flower and pushed it down with his feet
"Wow... This is amazing" and he sat down waiting for the rest to wake up. He grabbed a book out of his pocket and started writing,

26 July 1945

It feels like it happened yesterday but in reality, it is three months ago already
And so much happened in that time and not really for the better well maby some things.

"Good morning", Jack looked up with shock and put the book away he saw to his relief that it was Selenia,
"good morning did I wake you up"? Yes kinda. Selenia yawned. Oh sorry. "No, it does not matter"
Selenia sat down next to him,
"so why are you so early awake? The sun isn't even up yet" Selenia asked.
"Well, this is a predy normal timing for me"... Jack looked a bit sad,
Why that? She asked curiously,
It is even early for me.

Well... I fought in a war,
Oh?... Selenia said a bit sadly,
"the big war above?
"For you guys, it may have been above but for me, it was predy close to close... ". It was quiet for a while and they looked at the sunrise "But wait if you lived here with Archibald how did you guys know any of it Archibald told me he was safe from the war?"

"Well, Archibald informed us and Arthur was here way more even for a year!... What on the one hand was quite nice but seen the circumstances not of course.

"But if you don't mind me asking," "how does a human war go"?

"Well... I don't think you want to know half of it but on some days we just could not sleep for days it just was too dangerous and you could hear explosions everywhere" ..., Jack got the shivers by even thinking about it and looked down, it just goes like war... He signed And looked at his hands which were shaking.

Selenia put her hand on his shoulder "well that's over now you know" and she smiled at him.
"It doesn't feel like it," he said a bit irritated
And he climbed down from the flower.

"Morning" "morning," Selenia said a bit sad" it was Arthur "did I say something wrong to him?"... Arthur hugged Selenia "no not that I know of" "then why is he running off like that," she said confused and a bit irritated at the same time "he is just been true some rough time ya know"

Arthur saw Jack walking towards a river,
"I'll go talk to him", he said with a smile on his face, kissed Selenia and climbed down.

"Hi Jack", "oh hello Arthur",
Jack had his feet in the water.
"I don't get it, Arthur", What? "This world I just don't get it,
the war is finally over we finally won, and then I come here hoping for a better place to forget my thoughts, and here is also a war going on"! He looked at the scars on his arms "sometimes I just want to- I just want to end it all"...

Arthur sat next to him and put his arm around Jack,
"I don't know how it feels but I can guess it would probably feel like hell but there is one thing I can tell you there is not going to be a warlike you fought in that is over". He said with a Confident smile,
Jack looked at Arthur and put his sleeves down.
Thank you mate. He said with a weak smile It was quiet for a bit
Selenia and beta also joined, "good morning". They both said.
hello, Arthur and Jack said
They sat there for a while until the sun was up.

So... What is the story of evil m? Jack said out of nowhere
Why'd you wanna know? Selenia asked with a little surprise on her face. Well, he wants that Elixir of life doesn't he? So why don't figure out what he wants to do with it? Well, it is quite simple he wants immortal life!...
Alright but who exactly is he? Jack asked calmly.

Arthur, Jack and the minimoysWhere stories live. Discover now