Sexual :0

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Key words: Sex/Sexual

Note: Very long chapter so sit tight :)

I got viruses from Robert Pattinson's sex tape

- Luke, January 2021

I went into sexual fetishism

- Ninja, January 2021

Let's not talk about sex toys ;)

- Luke, January 2021

I will put photos of my sex toys on the group chat ;)

-Luke, January 2021

All people need to know is that I'm a sexy lemon

-Lemon, January 2021

It wasn't rape, I just sexualised him

-Rehab, January 2021

(for legal reasons it was a horse, not a human being, and I am joking)

Children starving? Nooo. Describing your friends sexual encounters with dishes? Now that's a real problem

-Kreten, January 2021

Behave as though sexually attracted to someone, but playfully rather than with serious intentions

-An Outsider, defining 'flirting', January 2021

I have an AMAZING sex dungeon. Like ropes, chains, whips

-An Outsider, January 2021

We are definitely not sexual people : )

-Luke, December 2020

Rehab feels like you're sexually harassing her

-Kreten, December 2020

Sheer sexual scariness

-An Outsider, December 2020

But there is too much of a sexual aspect to that board

-Kreten, December 2020

Furries and my men's jeans are not sexual

-Luke, December 2020

Sexiest woman alive stars in Jaffa cake ad

-Kreten, December 2020


-Rehab, December 2020

(names changed for privacy reasons)

Why are TV adverts so sexual after 9 o'clock

-Lemons, December 2020

I feel that it is an appropriate time to remind you all that I am not a sexual person

-Luke, December 2020

Well I mean, furries are REALLY sexualised

-Ninja, December 2020

Sexy Jair Bolsonaro would make a great Halloween costume

-Kreten, November 2020

Are they sexually attracted to that car or something?

-Luke, November 2020

Why are you avoiding talking about the sexual life of frogs?

-Kreten, October 2020

He will grow up to become a sexual predator

-Rehab, October 2020

Its a human urge I cant deny

-Luke, December 2020

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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