
127 1 4

English is not my first language so I might have some miss spall)

That's fine.

Name: silentstream

Cool! I like that name it's very satisfying to say and I don't see the prefix silent a lot. 10/10

Gender: she-cat


Age : 15 moons

So in human years about 10-11 okay, a bit common but that's fine. 5/5

Appearance : silver she-cat with dark silver strips on her back and tail. She is small for her age. Her fur is curly, long, fluffy and hard to come trow. She has brown eyes. Her back paws are Flat-footed.

That's a really good description and very unique too. I don't see brown eyes a lot with warrior cat ocs. 

Personality : silentstream is hyper sensitive and can't take a joke. She tries her best to be kind to every cat keeping négative comments and opinions to herself. She hones everyone but herself. She hates living camp when she doesn't need to. She overthinks everything, even the smallest thing. She is quiet only even seems to talk if someone takes to her first.

Okay cool personality, she has a lot of negative personality traits though. Maybe add some more positive personality traits. 10/20

Rank : med cat

Ok but you said that she doesn't like to be in the camp when she doesn't have to. Being a medicine cat would mean she's almost always needed there so that trait doesn't really fit. But other wise there's nothing wrong with a med cat. 4/5

Clan : skyclan

Cool! I don't see skyclan a lot. 

Skills: has healing knowledge,can easily hide and not be noticed easily, she always tries to get all sides to a story and good story teller.

Interesting... I like her skills. 5/5

Hobbies: telling kids stories. Making things with rotten prey or herds (usually small toys for kids)


Mentor: flowerheart, a ginger she-cat with a light ginger heart on her chest and paws with green eyes and a purple flower on her left ear.

Nice. Very descriptive.

Snowhawk pure white tom with gold eyes.


Apprentice: n/a


Family : Sandheart (mother) silver she-cat with Brown eyes. Same height as silentstreamLarkfoot. (Father) A battle scarred black tom with copper eyes. Taller than silentstream. lightfoot (brother) Black tom with copper eyes skinny and taller than silent stream.Owlheart (brother) black tom with copper eyes plump and a bit taller then silentstream.

Cool! I like the appearances but really you could be a bit more creative with names. Using foot and heart twice each... I'm guessing they named them after their parents? 12/15

Friends : flameheart ginger she-cat with amber eyes and long fluffy fur.crawfish black and white tom with copper eyes.brierstam Cream she-cat with blue eyes heatherCream she-cat with blue eyes and perllize back legs.

Nice! I like her friends but could you add what they're like? Their personality's?

Mate/kits/crushes: n/a

Good. No forbidden loves.

Residence: skyclan camp.

Obviously. 10/10

Backstory : silentkit don't have any friends so she usually stayed with her two older brother's. One day the medicine cat got a oman saying that silentkit will be the next skyclan medicine cat. This made silentkit happy that one day she will help others.When she became a medicine cat apprentice she had a hard time with learning the herds and which one to use at which injury or sickness. This made her manter annoyed. Her manter was often harde on her snapping at her for the smallest mistake.The other apprentice started to bully her for how she acted and the fact she had trouble learning herbs and treatments. Silentpw straed to think that no one in the clan liked her and though she was useless. One day her manter got killed by a fox going out for herds.The leader decided to have the old skyclan medicine cat snowhawk finish her training. Silentstream was worried that he would be just as tough as her old manter only to be schock when snowhawk shude paints and help when she was having trouble with learning.Soon silentstream got better at learning herbs and treatments. She became a medicine cat. Later she meets a rogue called Heather, becoming really good friends.

Alright. Your backstory may need some work.

Good things first, I like that SilentStream wants to help others that's good. And it's a bit cliche but I guess that the others bullying her is interesting...

Problems: First of all what kind of omen is "SilentKit will be a med cat." It's very random and you could definitely change it a bit. I'm not very mad at this but it's weird that SkyClan would just ignore her mentor being hard on her. I doubt that they want a harsh medicine cat. Then the med cat dies. I would prefer it if you had a better reason for her death. Like, what are the odds that her mean mentor goes out randomly to collect herbs and dies from a fox. 

There's a lot of very sudden and random things in the backstory. 10/50

Other: she is asexual aromantic she has sld (Specific learning disability).

Nothing wrong with that.

Overall SilentStream is a decent oc but has a lot of room for improvement. You probably should work on her backstory.... 

Final Score: 56/140

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