chp 3

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Nash's POV

I had just finished making another awesome vine, (i love vineing its my life as well as youtube, sometimes i do collabs with my best friend cameron), when my mom knocked at the door, "come in" i shouted, "hey" my mom said rather excitedly "how would you like to go with your dad to pick up your cousin mia from the airport tomorrow" she siad rather rushed "what the british one with strict parents" i myself said rather excitedly because i havent seen mia in five years i cant wait to tell her all about my vine and youtubing career "yes, you dont have another cousin called mis that im not aware of do you?" she asked questioningly "no its just i havent seen her in agggeees" "well i now your going to be seeing alot more of her and maybe you could introduce her to some of your viner frineds, i've heard shes a bit of a viner herself" she excliam expressing even more exitedness. "yeah course how long s she staying for and why" i ask a bit confused because mia never comes to stay anymore, and also i new i saw someone on vine that looked alot like her but i wasnt sure it was her, she has an amazing voice maybe we could do some collabs. "well shes been kicked out and needs a fresh start and she told me she would be staying umtill she got back on her feet but she can stay as long as she wants to"  mom says her voice riddeled with saddness how could they do that to her, and i bet it was for the slightest thing like being late home. and with that mom left my room muttering something about cleaning up the house and sorting out a room, i mean its not like we've got a shortage of them. I deside to text cameron about mia coming and of course i trip over a pile of clothes as i sprint to get my phone.


mia's POV

as the plane lands i feel butterflies in my tummy because of seeing nash, i know hes family but hes a mega vine star with about 5 mill subs which is alot. As i step of the plane the warm calaforian air fills my nostrals and surrounds me in a bubble of warmth. it always rains i britain i bet you five pounds its raining right now, oops i forgot i live in america now it five dollars.


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