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Mias POV

As i finally get through customs i ring elli becuase i cant see her anywhere,

m-mia e-elli

m- hi elli where r u i cant see you

e- ohh hun im soo sorry i forgot to tell you that martain is picking you up

m- oh ok thank you see you soon

e- bye .........

as i look around for martin i spot a boy out the corner of my eye, if im being honest hes really cute but i feel like i know him, then martin comes up behind him and he notices me and they start walking towards me. When they finally reach me im surpised when martin gives me the tightest hug ive ever had, but the cute boy just stands there and when martin finally pulls away he says "mia its so good to see you cant believe how long its been, ohh you dont recognise nash" he exlaims, "what thats the little boy who used to case me around the garden with underwear on his head" i say a bit shocked , left the bit out about how insanely cute hes gotten "yep thats me" he says a bit let down that i didnt recognise him but i make up for it with a tight hug "so hows life............

______nashs POV________

as we enter the airport dad gets a call from mom saying that mia is here ohh i cant wait to see her, i wonder if she recognises me but when i spot her looking around i cant help but notice how hot shes gotten i mean hot probably isnt the right word tto use for a family member dad comes up behind me and i tell him if spotted her and he walks well runs over with his arms out like a bird trying to take off. once they finish hugging dad says "mia its good to see you i cant believe how long its been, ohh you dont recognise nash" i feel a bit heart broken thatshe dosent recognise me but what can i say i have me some serious changes to my life, she looks soo sorry when she gives me a massive hug, she then asks "so hows life...............


dun dun dahhhh cliffhanger its the first oone but definatly wont be the last..

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