Chapter 14

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The weekend came along quite quickly and I was getting ready to go out with Akari and Yui. The past few weeks were a mess so hopefully today would make up for it. Haruki and Akari were now dating and Akari would text me literally everyday about how happy and grateful she was. And of course, I was happy for her too.  Although she's making me feel more single and alone then ever.

I haven't seen Mabuchi-kun around school, partly because i've been avoiding him for the rest of the week since the storage room incident. I don't know why I was hiding like a criminal, I just felt something weird that day. Something I've never experienced before. Like butterflies in my stomach but even more intense. I mean, is it because I haven't seen him in so long ? I continued on with my makeup, trying to forget the situation.

On the other hand, Takashi and I have gotten a bit closer the past couple of days, in such a short amount of time, but it was easy because he was so energetic and fun to be around. It's nice to have someone who makes you laugh and feel at ease. I'll admit, although he's annoying as hell, i'm glad that I met him.

As soon as I said that, I remembered what Takashi said the other day. "I'm glad I met you, y/n". I could feel the heat as it rushed up to my cheeks. Stop romanticising about that Y/n, you probably just been single for too long. I lightly slapped my face and looked in the mirror. I observed my black and sage green oversized sweater vest which lay above a plain white blouse. I paired it with jeans that matched the green and then chose my black cleated shoes. Finally, I accessorized the outfit with a black headband, a black with a green interior shoulder bag, some rings, a gold necklace ; which had a symbol of my favourite anime and some gold earrings. Damn! who's that cute girl I see over there. I awkwardly winked at the mirror. Ew, never do that again.

I collected my things and rushed downstairs downstairs. 'Mom! I'm leaving now!', I yelled as I stood at the door waiting for her response.

'Ok! Be safe and call me when you're coming back home, don't come home later than 10:00pm.', she answered from the kitchen.

'Ok, love you! Bye.' I closed the doer shut and walked down the street. I sent a text to the group chat I made that had me, Yui and Akari.

Y/n: Hey! I just left my house I'll be there in around 15 minutes.

Akari: I just left too, I think i'll be there around there the same time as you, Y/n.

Yui: I'm already here..

Y/n: Oh. Sorry we have to make you wait Yui, i'll get there as soon as possible!

Yui: It's ok! I'm at the snack bar, I got a bit hungry on the way here. (^ν^)

Y/n: Mood.

Akari: Lol (^∇^)

I turned my phone off and began running to the shopping centre. I didn't want to make Yui wait for a long time.

13 minutes later, I arrived at the centre. Yes, two minutes earlier. I unlocked my phone and asked Akari where she was. She told me that she was at the entrance. I scanned the crowded place because I was at the entrance too. I caught her standing at the other side. 'Akariiii!', I walked over to her waving and she finally saw me too.

'Hey!', she smiled as she hugged me.

'Hellooo.', I dragged out my greeting to show my excitement for the day.

'Where is Yui?', she asked.

'I think she's still at the snack bar.'

'Ok, let's go I want to meet her, she seems nice.'

'Ok let's go!', I hooked my arm to Akari's and made our way to the snack bar.

Once we arrived. I saw Yui sitting at one of the tables in the bar, by herself. She looked like a lost puppy. 'Oh look, there she is!', I waved out to Yui, which she responded with a wave and smile. We walked over to her and took a seat. 'Hey!'

'Hello, Y/n thank you for inviting me!'

'No problem, besides we're friends now.' I offered her a smile, in which she smiled back.


'Ok! Akari meet Yui and Yui meet Akari.', I helped them introduce themselves at first but it seemed to me that they didn't need my help. They seemed to be going on fine. Their conversation went on for 10 minutes or so, before I got bored.

'Akariii, Yuiii stop blabbering and let's go!'

'Ah yes, sorry Y/n', Akari apologised.

I quickly stood up and said, 'Let's go to the manga store!!'

'Y/n you always go there when we come here. Aren't you tired?', Akari asked.

'Nope. Let's go. Then we can all get matching accessories.' I began to walk to the store, with Yui and Akari following behind me, all of us getting to know each other. 'Ok Akari, now you're just making us feel single.' I looked to see them both laughing and having fun. I smiled at the ground at seeing how well we all got on.

'We've arrived!', I entered the small, yet cosy store and greeted the store owner. I looked through all the new book on the shelves and scanned to find my all time favourite, "Sniper Killer". I turned back to see Akari and Yui sitting on the couch just outside the store.

'They're missing out on this..', I sighed and scanned the books out with my fingers to find the book. I was distracted by a cool keychain that came from my favorite anime. 'Wow!' I slightly turned around before catching the book I was looking for.

'Ahah! I found it!' I reached out to grab it before a pale hand came at took it.

'Hey, I had that first..', I was left speechless from seeing the figure in front of me. I froze for a minute before speaking. 'Oh, it's you.' Mabuchi-kun stood there with his head tilted and one of his his hand still gripping on the book and the other in his pocket. He layered a black coat, a beige cardigan with a white buttoned up shirt. It matched with his light grey jeans and white trainers. I was mesmerized of course, who wouldn't be?

'Are you going to let go of the book?', he asked.

'No, I got it first.', I tightened my grip on the book.

'Nope, I grabbed it before you.', his emotionless face pissed me off. I thought to myself that today was going to be a fun, relaxing day, so I'll just let him have it.

'Take it then, i'll go get it somewhere else.', I let go of the book and walked off.

'Wait a minute.', he remarked in a quiet tone.

'What now?! Want me to argue with you? Want me to say sorry or thank you?!', I furiously walked towards him.

'Why would you say thank you?', he said unfazed.

'I don't know? Because you love to piss me off, like that's-', he cut me off and what he said next got me quiet.

'Let's go on a date tomorrow.'


'Just me and you.', he continued

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