Chapter 17

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'Hello? Are you listening Y/n?', Yui waved her hand in front of my face. I snapped out of my own world and nodded.

'Huh, yeah I'm listening.' That wasn't true. I was lost in my own thought. It's been 2 weeks since I last saw Mabuchi, ever since the music room it seemed like we've been avoiding each other. Well more him then me. I mean I didn't mind but It felt weird.


I sat down in my seat and hooked by bag on the side of the table. Yui sat on the chair in front of me before the lesson began. She went on with her story, but I couldn't listen, flashbacks of Mabuchi that day came running back into my head over and over again. He seemed irritated, I've never seen him like that before. I sighed and placed head on the palm of my hand.

'Mabuchi, your meaner than Y/n!'

I instantly turned my head to see Takashi following behind Mabuchi like a child following his mother. Mabuchi seemed annoyed and told him to shut up. Since when did they speak to each other? Yui returned to her seat and Takashi came to sit down.

'Good morning Y/n, you're looking pretty today, as usual.' Takashi smiled and took a seat. 'I didn't know  your friend was so emotionless.'

'He's not my friend.' I muttered. I slyly watched as Mabuchi made his way to his seat. He placed his bag down and turned away from my glance.

'Oh my bad, your boyfriend.' Takashi said as he looked at me.

'What? Shut up, I never said that.' I hissed at Takashi and signalled for him to quiet down. He snickered at turned around.

'That's good to hear.'

What is this idiot even saying. I adjusted myself before sensei entered the classroom.

'Alright class, as you may know that this is the last day before spring break. Be prepared because you're going to have a lot of assignments to do over the break.' Sensei was cut off by the groans of the classroom. 'Stop crying, it's not like you guys have anything to do anyways, except from scrolling on social media.' I would be lying if I said that wasn't true. 'Enjoy your last week here and that's all i've got to say. Now let's begin the lesson.'

I couldn't focus the whole lesson, I continuously looked back at Mabuchi but he avoided my gaze every time. I started to become irritated because I didn't know why he was like this.

'Alright students, you can go for break.'

I stood up and felt the sudden breeze of Mabuchi walking past me. I gazed at his face which looked hurt almost. I followed him up until the door where he stopped.

'Let's go!' a voice in front of him spoke. It was a familiar voice. I watched as the walked away and caught a glimpse of the person he was with. I froze once I realized who it was. It was the girl that wouldn't move from the doorway, the rude one that got annoyed when Mabuchi told her to leave. Why was he with her? I don't know why, but I felt annoyed. Does he like her?

'Y/n, are you ok?' Takashi asked, placing his hand on my face. I felt like I was going to cry but I held it in. "Only idiots cry" I though to myself. 'Come with me.' Takashi grabbed my hand and pulled me outside, where no one could see us. 'You look as if you're about to cry.'

'Shut up, I'm not going to cry.'

'Is it because of him?', he asked looking for my gaze. I stood silent a while. 'You like Mabuchi, don't you?' he continued. I immediately looked at his face, where he then smiled. 'I knew it, ah', he sighed. 'It's sad because I like you, Y/n.' My eyes widened but before I could say anything he began whining, 'Am I not good enough for you? Why would you go for a moody person like him.' he mimicked Mabuchi, "Leave me alone, Takashi" or "I hate you, go away."

I laughed a bit and then sighed. 'I'm sorry.' I responded.

'Why are you sorry? I kinda figured it was impossible to compete with a childhood lover.'

'Wait! How do you know he's a childhood friend?'

'Oh, Akari told me! She was kind of shocked that Mabuchi was the same Mabuchi from when you were kids, she said he sounded different to how you described him,' he replied.

'How does she know I liked him?' I muttered, placing my hand on my chin and looking upwards.

'Because you always talked about him when you were kids. Akari told me you would smile every time you spoke about him. It's kind of like how now you always stare at him.'

'I don't do that!' I sneered.

Takashi sat down in silence with his head tilted back, for a few minutes, then began speaking again, 'If you like him, tell him that. I'm sure he would understand, I mean who could reject you?'

I looked down at my feet, 'Thank you.'

'Thank me for what? Being this handsome, I mean', he grinned and brushed his fingers through his hair.

I chuckled, 'No, for being a great friend.'

He placed his hand on his chest and fell onto his knees, 'Ah, my heart! You're so cute Y/n'

'Shut up and let's go back lesson is about to begin.' I walked ahead, causing Takashi to catch up to me. I felt a little bit better after that chat.


The end of the day came by and it was time for everyone to say there goodbyes before the spring break. Well, I had to stay behind because Sensei asked me to and I had no choice because he threatened to lower my grade which was already pretty bad.

'Bye, Y/n promise to text and call during the break, ok?' Yui yelled as she waved goodbye. Takashi and Yui walked out together, which was odd. When did Takashi become friends with everyone?!

'Bye Y/n, Let's meet over the break! Me, you and Yui!', Akari held one hand with Haruki and waved at me with the other. I smiled and waved back.

It wasn't long until the whole school became empty. I sat down at my desk at completed the work Sensei assigned for me. Why isn't the class president doing this? I sighed.

The sliding of the door caught my attention. I turned my head. 'Sensei, this paperwork doesn't-' I paused at the sight of Mabuchi standing at the door with his head down. 'Oh, it's you.' He came and sat in front of me. He placed his head on the desk., 'What are you doing here?', I questioned quietly.He didn't respond. I couldn't hold my irritation anymore.

'Stop being a d*ckhead and tell me why you're upset me?' I snapped. He looked at me with a confused look.

'You really don't know? God, Y/n you're an idiot.'

'Then explain it to me! If i'm an idiot explain to me why you look so irritated an why-'

I was cut off by his lips gently pressing onto mine. My eyes widened and my face began to heat up. He pulled back and looked out of the window. My expression stayed the same as I placed my fingers onto my lips.

D-did he just...

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