The day they met

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Bakugos POV -

It was a normal day for bakugo waking up in the morning, getting yelled at by his old hag, and going to school, but he met someone new today Eijiro Kirishima.

"Im am so so sorry!" The unknown person said reaching their hand out for Bakugo to grab.

"I don't need your help!" Bakugo growled

Bakugo got up and walked away, he made it to school and he knew his day was going to get when he the voice he hated Izuku Midoriya.

"Kachan!" Midoriya waved at Bakugo

Bakugo just let out a small tch, he walked to class and saw a familiar someone then he realised it was the boy he met this morning. He decided to to ignore him, but the red head had other plans.

"Hey!" Called out the red head.

Bakugo just ignored and continued walking to his seat, until he felt someone grab the back of his shirt and slam him on the wall.

"Dude I said I was sorry" explained the student

"And?!?" Bakugo yelled

"You didn't have to be so rude about it" Kirishima stated

"It's not my fault you ran into me!!" Bakugo said

"I said sorry!" The red head exclaimed

"Whatever... JUST LET ME GO SHITTY HAIR" Bakugo said pushing Kirishima away

"My name isn't shitty hair.. ITS EIJIRO KIRISHIMA YOU ANGRY FUCK" Yelled Kirishima

That's when it hit Bakugo, He walked up to Kirishima with explosions in his hand and when got there.


A massive explosion had just happened, and all of can see is smoke and the silloute of a person on the floor. People rushed over to the person on the floor revealing Kirishima with burn marks and batches of blood all over his body.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" A pink girl yelled.

"Shut up..." Bakugo said

"DUDE THAT WAS NOT COOL" said a boy with yellow hair and lighting bolt on his bangs

"..." Bakugo was silent

Then he got pushed against the wall by a guy slightly taller then him and was taped there

"You took it to far man..!" Said the boy with tape dispensers on his elbows.

And when he heard that he gave in, explosions came out of his hand and he storms out of the classroom not wanting anyone to see him.

"WAIT KACHAN" Midoriya yelled

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