Freinds..with benefits

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        *james&sirius walk into a room*

James:ugh why did It haft to be tonight

Sirius:why is tonight so special

James:um um


James:fine I was going to study with Evans

Sirius:your lying

James:am not I am going to help with potions

Sirius:but your rubbish at potions

James:not anymore

Sirius:James  don't you want your appareation permits

James:I know

Sirius:have you got the map

James:ye *passes it to Sirius*

Sirius:I solemnly swear I'm up to no good

James:who you looking for

Sirius:moony and wormtail


Sirius:maybe they can help


Sirius:Remus is heading for the fat lady

James:points at the door

Sirius:what are you doing

James:trying to get the exact mome— *remus enters*

Remus:hey guys

James:god dam it


Sirius:nothing just prongs being stupid

         *peter walks in*

Peter:hey guys

Sirius:hey wormy

Remus I have been reading

James: (whispers to Sirius) when isn't moony reading

Sirius:you'll never guess what prongs has done

Peter:got himself in trouble

Sirius:no he had himself a date


Sirius:well the apperation lesson is tonight so he can't go

James:me and Evans were meant to be doing homework

Peter:ohh so romantic

James:shut up

Remus:why don't you just do it another night

James:can't it's due tomorrow

Peter:poor you



Sirius:shut up

Peter:oh oh ok

Remus:calm down why don't you just do something else take her to the 3 broom sticks or something.

Sirius:yes maybe you could even book a room

Peter:ye book a room

        (Sirius makes kisses noises)

James:hey we are just friends

Peter:with benefits

James:ha ha very funny

Peter: apperation starts soon

Remus:yes we better get ready,Sirius

Sirius:yes moony

Remus:don't be late

Sirius :hey if I am me and James have got into trouble

Peter:when aren't you in trouble

James:sirius I wanna ask you something outside

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