another life

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I grabbed my laptop as I pulled myself into my bed. Opening it impatiently I began resurching how to shift. As I continued to scan different websites the same things were plastered on every tab. 'Safe way to shift realities' 'safe way to have a new life' 'how to shift'.

After studying different methods I realized I didn't have a specific desired reality so i decided to go for the 'new reality'. This basically will let me shift to the life in another reality. As reluctant as I was, a small part of me was extremely excited. 

The more I continued to read the more excited I got. It sounds like such an amazing way to escape, almost like living in your favorite book. I had to calm myself down, I couldn't get my hopes up just for it not to work.

Once ten o'clock rolled around I brushed my teeth and got ready for bed. I did as the website instructed, I drank water before bed and laid on my back completely still. A short while later I felt myself drifting into a blissful sleep. Then, everything went black.


I opened my eyes to reveal a large room with four large tables. The one right in the middle was decked out in red and gold, on the left another long table was colored in green. On the opposite side yellow, then the farther blue.

I looked down at myself, along with a mass of people, I too was in a red and black robe.

My head jolted up as I heard a loud male voice call to me "Wren?!" I watched as a tall red head boy stood up and ran towards me. As confused as I was, like a magnet, my body pulled myself to him.

The boy wrapped me in a hug lifting me off the ground, he towered over me. Grabbing my hand he pulled me over to the group of people he was sitting with.

"Wren your back!" Yelled a boy with dark hair. He had a scar on his head and big circular glasses. Next to him sat another red head boy who seemed very pleased that I was there. I looked around at the people who sat before me as confusion took over.

"Where am i?" I mumbled as I looked around the large room. Candles hung from the ceiling, it was magical in a way. They were set up so magnificently they almost seemed like they were floating.

"Hogwarts silly, dont you remember us?" The tall red head spoke again.

"Im sorry, should i?" I questioned looking at him. His eyes were a honey brown with small golden flakes. He had freckles which adorned his nose and cheeks, he was quite beautiful actually.

"Of course you should, were only your best mates!" I turned around to see the boy who spoke to me. I looked up as he placed his hand on my shoulder, he looked just like the boy who sat in front of me. "Im George remember?" He continued "and thats fred" he said pointing to the boy in front of me.

Fred, a beautiful name for a beautiful boy. "I dont remember, im sorry."

Freds face fell in a slight frown while George took a seat next to me.

"Boys, she hasn't been here in years. You cant expect her to remember right away." I smiled at the bushy haired girl and smiled. "Im Hermione by the way." She stuck her hand out for me to shake it.

"Im wr-"

"We all know who you are, this is ginny, ron and Harry by the way." I got acquainted with everyone at the table as they all took their time to introduce themselves.

Finally, tired of the confusion I spoke up. "How do you all know me?"

Fred placed his hand on my knee, "you used to visit us alot a few years ago, before you dissapeared that is. You said you had to go home, then you never came back."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2021 ⏰

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