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Anagapesis: The feeling of not loving someone or something you once loved.

"Its okay wern only two more months of school, you got this." Mumbling to myself I looked in the mirror at my familiar complexion. I sighed as I got dressed into my horrendous school uniform, a dark blue mini skirt and a long sleeve white turtle neck. I pulled my long black hair back in a low ponytail and put on some mascara before leaving my room.

Sulking to the kitchen i grabbed my bag and yelled for my brother. "Josh let's go!" My younger brother traut down the steps jumping as he reached the last one.

"Come on kid. Were stopping to grab coffee." I rummaged through my bag pulling out the keys to my black jeep wrangler and drove my brother and I to the coffee shop down the street.

After getting our regular we drove reluctantly to school.

"We should just skip today!" Josh exclaimed as we drove closer to the school. "Its not to late we can turn back now."

I turned to him slightly laughing, "Soon Josh, i promise we will take a day off, for now I have to get through finals week."

Sighing he picked up his coffee and took a sip. "Fine but you owe me a fun day. Your leaving soon remember."

"Your not too far behind me. You only have three more years of school josh."

Laughing he turned to look at me. "Yeah three years, thats still alot. Your done in two months. Then your going to be traveling like you always said you wanted."

"Just because I'm traveling doesn't mean you won't see me. I'll take you with me sometimes." I smiled at him weakly as he continued to sip his coffee.

The last few minuets of the car ride was silent. Some people wouldn't find this strange but for Josh and I, we were always talking. We've been close all our lives, especially since our dad was always gone. Owning a world-wide marketing and writing company proved to be alot of time away from home for my father.

Most of the time it was just Josh and I. Our mother got sick and passed away a few months after Josh was born, leaving us with just our father. Our grandmother stops in as much as she could while our father was away, which was always nice, but we were still alone. Thus being, Josh wasn't happy when I first told him I was traveling after graduation.

A few months ago I decided to go to England, my father set me up with a writing position at the office in England. I'd be making alot of money and I only had to go in when I wanted. It was a perfect opportunity for me to explore.

My father always said I was a travel bug. The first time I traveled he said that once I left this small little town, the wanderlust would never leave me. He was right.


The day carried on as any school day would. Finally when noon rolled around i headed to the courtyard with my friends for lunch.

Most of lunch i was quietly soaking in the sun. Id hardly payed attention to the conversation my friends were engulfed in, that is until Emily grabbed my arm pulling me from my strayed thoughts. "Earth to wren? Whats going on, you've been absent all day."

"Sorry guys, its just one of those days." I replied turning my attention back to the group.

"Well we were just talking about shifting." Emily said excitedly squeezing my arm. Her light green eyes glowing in a mischievous way.

"Go on wren ask her what shifting is." Kate added also staring at me with a devious glint in her eyes.

I gave them both a sarcastic laugh before rolling my eyes and giving in. "Alright, I'll cave. Whats shifting?"

"Well, rumor has it shifting is a way of putting yourself it your desired reality. Supposedly if you have no idea what your true desired reality is you shift to where you belong, almost like where your originally supposed to be, like your other life." Emily continued to ramble on as I half heartedly listened, focusing my attention back on the golden sun.

As we were getting ready to leave i picked up my bag and threw it over my shoulder grabbing for my phone.

Emily slightly pulled my arm back as a tall boy with light brown hair approached the table.

"Hey wren, how are you?" The boy stuttered.

"Fine matt, thanks." I replied as I pushed past the boy walking back to the school.

"What happened between you guys?" Kate whispered looking back at the boy who stood with his face in a pout.

Before I could say anything, Emily interjected with a slightly joking laugh. "She fell out of love with him."

I turned to look at them slightly infuriated with the upcoming conversation. "I dont like that term, you know that. Anagapesis, thats what I call it. Falling out of love is slow, painful, thats not what this was. It wasn't slow, it was all at once, I just couldn't handle it. I didn't love him anymore okay so can we please just drop it now."

They both eyed eachother before I walk away. I hated having that conversation, even with myself. I felt bad, he wasn't a bad boyfriend, I just didn't care for him anymore. It would hurt him worse if I pretended I did.


The rest of the day I found myself more irritable than usual, constantly annoyed with other students comments or some annoying girls laughter than rang obnoxiously through the halls.

Once the final bell rang I bolted to my car, I couldn't wait to get out of that stuffy school. It was always the same thing every day with the same old people. It drained the life from me, it was boring and dull, the complete opposite of the life I wanted. The life I wanted...

As I waited for Josh to come out of the school I thought back to the conversation my friends and I had at lunch.

Shifting. I wondered how much of what Emily said was true.

I dropped Josh off at our house before leaving again to go shopping. I needed some time to think, my head was filled with thoughts of shifting now. There's no way it was true.

My mind was racing, I needed a distraction. I spent hours running in and out of stores, but nothing worked. I continued to think about what Emily said. What if it was true. What if I could shift realities. Would I be happier? Would my wanderlust subside? Or would I fall in love with my fake life and get my heart broken?

On my way home I picked up dinner. Shortly after Josh and I ate i ran up to my room decided I would look into 'shifting', what could go wrong?

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