Chapter 82

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I am resting in Fred's arms when I hear someone shouting,"They're coming!" Fred helps me to my feet and we all go running out of the castle. I stop in my tracks when I see Harry in Hagrids arms. His body is still and I hear Ginny scream out. Voldemort announces,"Harry Potter is dead!" I bury my face into Fred's chest and cry. I hear someone gasp and I turn back around. I see Harry getting off of the ground and running over to us. I pull out my wand and prepare for a fight. Harry joins us and I cant help but run over to him and hug him quickly. I pull away after just seconds and watch as a Oliver Wood and Lee Jordan step in front of me almost acting like a shield. Oliver turns back to me and says,"Cant have one of my friend's girl get hurt, especially if she is carrying precious cargo." Lee nods and says,"We got you covered Rayla. No Death Eater will get to you." I nod and watch as all heck breaks loose. Spells are flying around and people are dropping quickly. I dash into the entrance of the school and meet Ginny and Molly there. I throw a few spells at some Death Eaters and try to stay calm. 

After what seems like hours of fighting the Death Eaters have stopped their assault on Ginny, Molly, and I. Fred and George have joined us and I grab on to their shoulders to catch a breath. Im only about a week pregnant but the symptoms are still strong. The nausea isnt a good asset to have in a battle. Bellatrix appears out of nowhere and threatens Ginny. Molly whips out her wand and says,"Not my daughter, you bitch!" Molly freezes Bellatrix and then I turn around so I dont have to watch what happens next. When I turn back around Bellatrix is gone and I let out a sigh of relief. The Weasley's and I join the others in the courtyard and watch as Harry and the Dark Lord duel. Harry overpowers Voldemort and hits him with a spell. Voldemort turns to ashes and floats away into the air. I collapse to the ground and Fred drops down next to me. He looks and me worried and asks,"What's wrong, love. Is the baby ok?" I nod and say,"The baby is fine, Freddie. Im just glad its all over." Fred smiles and lifts me off of the ground. I lean against him because I feel overly exhausted. Harry walks over to all of us and I hug him tightly. He whispers,"Sirius would be proud of us. So would Remus and Tonks." I nod and say,"Yes they would. You turned out good, Potter." He laughs and pulls away to go talk with Hermione and Ron. George walks over to Fred and I and asks,"What do you guys say to spending a few days at the Burrow? I think we could all use being near each other." Fred responds,"I think thats a great idea. I think mum can give Rayla here a few remedies for all of the symptoms." Bill laughs and says,"She did look like she was going to hurl a few times." Fleur playfully hits him and asks me,"Speaking of the little bun in the oven, I just wanted to say congrats. Also congrats on the engagement." I smile and thank her. I twists the ring around my finger a few times until Fred grabs my hand and kisses the back of it. I look up at him and say,"Let's go home." He smiles and we apparte to the Burrow with the rest of the Weasley's. 

I sit on one of the chairs in the living area and rest my hand on my lower stomach. Molly comes up to me and asks,"May I?" I nod and she rests her hand next to mine. I giggle and say,"It's not a baby bump yet, but its just nice to reassure myself that this is real." She laughs and says,"Thats exactly how I felt with Bill over there. Arthur and I were ecstatic to be parents." Fred walks over and says,"We feel the exact same way. I cant wait to hold this little one. I just know Rayla will be an amazing mother." He kisses my forehead and I blush at his actions. We are engaged now and yet his actions and words still make me blush. Molly walks off to tend some of the wounds others received. Fred gets down on his knees and moves his head to my stomach. He lifts my sweater up slightly and whispers,"Hello in there. This is your daddy speaking. I would appreciate it if you stopped making mommy so sick. She could have hurled on Bellatrix if she really wanted to. Anyways, I love you and I cant wait for the family to spoil you." I giggle and Fred gets to his feet. He plants a kiss on my lips and whispers,"Looks like we both kept our promises to stay alive. I love you." I whisper back,"I love you too." 

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