Chapter 33

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I walk down the halls with the Twins searching for Dumbledore. I filled them in about the letter I received last night and they seemed fairly surprised. I spot the headmaster at the end of the hall watching as student hurry around getting ready for the second task. I approach him and he smiles,"Ah Miss Williams. I expected to hear from you soon." Fred interlaces his hand with mine reassuringly. I shake a little but manage to say,"So its true. Sirius Black is my uncle, and my mother has kept it from me. Wait how did you know I would be asking you about this?" Dumbledore sighs,"Mr.Black wrote a letter to me asking if I could keep an eye on you. He fears that if some bad wizards and witches find out that you are his blood, that they will try and use you as leverage against him." Fred squeezes my hand when he feels my body shake,"Where is he? I need to see him." The headmaster looks at me with a sad look in his eyes,"Im sad to say that you cannot see him just yet. Sirius Black is still under the radar. He doesnt want to endanger you. Now my dear,I must leave you. I have to prepare our champions for the second task." With that he walks away leaving the Twins and I shocked. 

I walk down the hill with Fred and George trying to selling some prank candies. We have only a few minutes until the task starts. I glance over at the Twins,"You dont really think someone will try to hurt me just because im Sirius's niece?" George lays his hand on my shoulder and says,"Im sure nothing will happen to you Rayla." Fred interrupts,"And if anyone tries anything they will have to go through us first." I smile at them and say,"Thanks guys. Now we better get down to the docks unless we want to miss the task." I wink at them and race down the hill. 

Im standing in between Fred and George and we are waiting for the champions make it to the surface. I see Fleur reach the surface out of breath. I turn to Fred,"Something is wrong. She doesnt have her sister." I look out and search the lake for any other people. I see Cedric with Cho and Krum with Hermione. Does Harry have enough time to grab Ron? I close my eyes in a panic and search my brain for some calmness. I feel Fred take my hand and I hear voices. I open my eyes and see Harry,Ron,and Gabrielle. I let out a shaky breath and smile. Fred leans over to me and says,"See love, they're fine." I kiss his cheek. 

The Twins, the golden trio, and I are all sitting in the library talking about today. George leans over and whispers,"You should tell Harry about Sirius, I mean he is Harry's godfather. Maybe he knows where he is." I nod and walk over to Harry. I sit down next to him and he raises his eyebrow at me. I fiddle with with my necklace and say,"I need you to tell me the truth about something." Harry nods and I continue,"Do you know where Sirius is?" His eyes widen and he asks,"How do you know about him?" I sigh,"He's my uncle. He wrote me a letter that your owl brought me." Harry looks shocked,"He never told me that he had any family. Look, I dont know where he is right now, but we do communicate sometimes." I nod and walk back over to Fred and George. Fred sets me on his lap and plays with my hair. I smile contently and take is hand in mine. I lean back and close my eyes. 

I wake up in my bed and giggle quietly. Fred is laying next to me in my bed snoring lightly with is mouth slightly open. I move over and kiss his cheek which makes him wake up. He smirks at me and I ask,"When did you move me in here? Also what time is it?" He stretches and says,"I moved you in here as soon as you fell asleep on me. Its about 11:00 p.m." I smile at him and snuggle into his chest. He laughs and wraps his arms around me. Our moment is interrupted by Rosalie and Luna walking into the room. I sometimes wish I didnt share a room with anyone else. Rosalie smiles at us and says,"We will leave you two alone for a bit." I thank them and they walk out. I close my eyes once again to Fred humming a random tune. 

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