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The house the day after was buzzing with excitement. Today there life's will change for the best and the worst reasons.

Everyone was up and ready before eighth o'clock Today was the day the world was to hear about Sorrels defeat on the dark wizard. Dumbledore came around at seven to check up on the five.

"Dumbledore what shall we do about Harry" lily asked Dumbledore

"Why are you asking this question," Abus asked.

"Well, you see he has shown no accidental magic as Sorrel has in the past year. I also had this dream but it felt so real like a vision it was of Harry killing us then most of the light family's" lily told the headmaster, worry seemed to be on her face, Lily was a great actor and even would have concerned it if she wasn't a wizard. Yet why lie about your child

He was confused as to this but this 'vision' was right after the attack on them. He liked Harry like his grandson and he was sure he would never do that.

"Well, lily you just had been attacked by a dark wizard so it's just a passing dream, "Dumbledore said trying to pull the direction of the thought the opposite way.

"Yes Dumbledore I know, but my instincts are telling me different over wise. It could be all just fake but if it isn't I don't want to risk anything." Lily said her voice seemed to lower down as of she was scared.

"Where would you like to put him?," Dumbledor asked. Without lily saying anything, he knew she wanted the four years old gone. She loved her children and was worried that Harry is a squib

Right now in the wizarding war, it was the mother's choice on where her child went if it was Azkaban or even another wizards house no one was allowed to stop it.

"To protect me and my family and the wizarding world I would preferably send him to Azkaban," lily told the head of Hogwarts with confidence.
Albus looked at her in shock.

Azkaban, surely not the poor child will go mad. The Black blood of his Great grandmother could make him insane, as that family was known for its insanity in the prison.

Just then James came in as lily went out.
"Hello James  what is," Albus asked the young man

"Well, you probably heard about Lily's vision. She tends to leave Harry out of things in favour of Sorrel. As much as I wouldn't leave Harry in there the word has been bonded."

Damm, though Dumbledore when did life so bloody hard. Dumbledore looked at James who had a smiling Harry with his bright green eyes full of happiness and wisdom in his arms.  Babbling about the Phoenix he dreamt about.

He felt so sorry for this boy in a few days that will be lost all thanks to a stupid law. He would get the law banned so no child should ever be in the is position ever again.

"She has told you that she wants him in Azkaban didn't she," James said deflated. He knows this was not what the parents wanted, but what is said can't be undone no matter how hard you try to fix it.

"Yes, and I'm very sorry James but we have to pretend that Harry died last night too much dark magic to the world," Albus said to James.

You could see age build up in the twenty-one-year-old man. Pretending his oldest died was not easy, even if he was alive in a place where he could die any day.

"Wait before you leave I need to get Remus to tell him" James left to wake up Remus of the situation.

Remus was upset, to say the least. He loved Harry even though Oliver was his godson. James gave Harry a necklace with a wolf, a stag, a dog and a rat charm on it. James was planning to give one to each Marauder as soon as the war ended, but now he can't so he gave the first one to his son.

"Harry I'm very sorry please forgive as I can't do anything to help you," James told his firstborn. Crying tears on the unaware child.

"Remi, Dada" Harry cried as Dumbledore took him to the ministry to be taken to be left as good as dead.

"Remus why was this even a law. Fuck the law if it was to get my son back" James went on to his best friend since Hogwarts. Hugging him tightly, not caring if it left a mark on the young man.

"I don't know but we have to be brave and let's hope Harry will be ok and will come to Hogwarts in his first year," Remus reassured his friend.

"Well that is seven years away I will probably forget him or even worse harry will hate us. Or even worse he could have died" James stated crying again as lily came in holding Sorrel both in smart outfits.

"He is gone now," James said looking at his wife hoping her to care for once. Looking at the lady with red eyes.

"You got what you wanted didn't you, leaving a four-year-old in a prison alone, he could die yet you would be dancing on his grave in fancy dress singing as he wastes away.," James said with each word getting louder.

He could never hate her, James thought she did what she thought was right, But this time she took it too far.

"You two ready?" Lily said ignoring everything James had said. She heard every word, it saddened her deeply yet she didn't seem to show it.

As they stepped out they were bombarded with cameras and reporters ready to hear the story of the boy who lived.

"Mr and Mrs Potter are you two happy that your son has defeated the worst dark wizard?" someone asked

"We are happy that our son save the wizarding world from that horrible man," lily said smiling a little too sweetly

"Lord potter I would like to know where you over son is." The over reporter asked. This reporter worked for the Auror department so James would chat to him about how wonderful his sons were.

"Last night as the dark wizard came into our home he may have been defeated by my youngest. The dark magic surrounding harries leading to the death of my first son Harry" James lied, he hated liars even though he may have done it in his younger years to get out of trouble he hated lying about someone's life.

"Well we are sorry for the loss," the reporter said. He had heard story's from James about his sons, he never met them. James had promised to bring them in as soon as the war ended.

The house was filled with a sad atmosphere. Remus and James were sad because of Harry. Lily was questionable and Sorrel was in the joy he was getting the attention. Sorrel was still saddened as he liked his older brother, he was caring and made him laugh.

Over at the ministry, Dumbledore had gotten Harry there without even being seen. He has explained the situation of young Harry to him.
"So what room shall we put him in," the minister said before taking Harry to the Aurors to take the baby to Azkaban.

Dumbledore thought for a second. It came in his head.

"The top floor," Dumbledor told him.
The minister was taken back. "

"W-why the top floor that was the worst prisoners go".

"Well, he will share a cell with Sirius Black and Bellatrix Lestrange because they are related," Dumbledore told the tough guard. He knew this wasn't the smartest idea. Let's hope they put the wandless magic block on the boy so they don't teach I'm dark wandless magic, that could end badly.

"Ok then" then with that Harry was gone to the most feared place in the wizarding world at the age of four.

Dumbledore was upset he loved Harry very much and hopefully will see him at Hogwarts in seven years.

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