Chapter. 3 : the cop's first mission

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"So let's start with questions, shall we?"

"Yes" the woman replied as if she was in police station. The aura you gave off and your tone of voice was stern enough to keep anyone in the place "Alright. First question, when you lost your cat?" Your (e/c) eyes were locked to the small notebook in your hands. "Yesterday noon" she replied right after "I need the exact time, please" you noted down, waiting for her response. She thought for a few seconds before replying "it was 12 pm" you noted down, you were too focused, yet stressed to not mess your first case in front of your superior.

Little did you know the certain detective was watching from not quite afar

"What were you doing in that time?" You asked, looking at the middle-aged woman from your notebook "wait a second, am i being interrogated?" Not even three questions and she was annoyed, but you kept your calm "i'm just asking questions to lead us to your ca-" before you could finish your sentence, she began "i already came to police office and told them to find my cat before the noon. But now it's getting noon already and you are interrogating me--?" Her voice was louder this time

"Ms--" officer Minoura was about to step in but you didn't let, it was your case after all "calm down, Kitamura-San. According to your report i've been given, There isn't much details, not enough to lead us to your cat. That's why i'm asking you questions since you're the owner of the lost cat. Besides, shall i remind you who you're talking to?" You paused, you became more serious as the aura you were giving, turned tensed. Pfficer minoura didn't say anything while Ranpo smirked.

"telling a police where to find what in the form of order is quite disrespectful. Kitamura-San. Now, if you excuse me and if you want to find your precious cat, you have to answer the questions i ask" the woman didn't dare to say another word in fear of getting arrested for insulting police, she just nodded "Alright, when you last sa--"

"'s getting interesting"

A very familiar voice snapped you as you turned around to see your old, detective friend with that silver haired boy beside him "you again?" Officer Minoura furrowed his eyes pissed as you gazed up at him, then back at Ranpo 'they know each other?' You thought

"Hey! Officer Minoura-San" he waved playfully as they walked to your direction "i believe we didn't ask for detectives this time" the officer closed his eyes "that might be right. But this time, i'm not here to solve any case" he stated, Atsushi was carefully looking at his surroundings, but deep inside, he just wanted to go back "then why are you here?" Officer Minoura asked, you didn't say or ask anything as you waited for his response.

"Well, you see......i wanted to see how your cop solves her first case" he smirked, barely opened his emerald eyes.

Your eyes snapped wide open as you felt a sudden shiver ran down your spine, you felt your cheeks heat up slightly. Great, both your superior and old friend who claimed to be the best detective had your movements under their eyes. This made you feel you can mess this up anytime, you hated this.

You gave the spiky haired detective a frown, although it was mixed with the slight cherry stain on your cheeks, you were frustrated. But now you were on your job! So it wasn't the time to make a drama.

"Ehem" you cleared your throat, holding your fist in front of your mouth before letting it drop to your side "Excuse me for the earlier. Where were we? Oh right, when and where you last saw your cat?" Your anger slowly died down once you focused back on the case "Yesterday noon, before i leave the house for work" her answer made your brows slightly raisen, your first case just started.

"Did you lock the door behind?" You asked as you finished noting detailes down on your notebook. It was a habit of yours since your childhood. Looking up at the woman with confident (e/c) orbs that were reflecting the sunlight, yet half covered by the blanket of shadow from your cop cap. Your question took woman aback as if she just forgot or remembered something "Y-yeah...i'm sure i locked it"

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