Pain doesnt last forever

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Hey guys

So I'm sorry about the last chapter I didn't write it my friend did ' she's a horny weird person lol

I would just like to say think you to my small amount of readers and I would love to here from you and get your feedback

Anyway the next chapter is not very exciting but I hope you guys like all the same , any way enjoy guys

And merry Christmas and a happy new year oh and ..........................


I hope you have a nice day and enjoy your 21st birthday xx and all directioners love you xx


Annalise p.o.v

I woke up in Nialls warm embrace I forgot what had happen last night and went to get up , but when I started to move he pulled me in tighter and nuzzled into my neck bring back graphic flash backs from the night before .

" don't go babe I'm to warm " he said mumbling into my neck ,

"But why not the boys will be wondering where we are and we have the funeral today we need to get ready " as I said that I also remembered something else that it was jay funeral today and I total forgot what the hell was wrong with me , oh that right I had the most attractive and nicest guy in the world in bed with me and if jay was here , he would be cheering me on , It still was really bad and I hated myself .

As I pulled myself out of Niall embrace and got up to walk over to my draws , I'm stopped by blonde Irish man pulling me into his arms and speaking softly into my ear send shivers down my spine

"It will be alright today love I will be there holding your hand all the way and the girls are coming in today so you can meet them and they will take you shopping tomorrow and all that everything will be okay , okay? "

I sigh but nod my head I really really miss jay I thought to myself as I get up again and make another attempt to get dressed , I pulled out A pink and black stripped dress , it was mid thigh and it was pencil style so it moulded to my curves , I turned around to look at Niall and his eye were basically hanging out of his head

"What ?" He looks up into my eyes and says "you have a really nice body like its the perfect body " , " why thank you I work really hard so I hope I have a good body " as Niall stopped looking at my arse there was a knock at the door

"Hello Annalise I was just wondering if you would like to come to the airport to pick up the girls with us we are leaving soon so if so get ready " Liam's voice sounds through the whole room as I walk out " I would love to come to the airport to met the girls " I say with a smile as all eyes shift from me to a half naked Niall walking out of my room , " so I see where you to went last night " zayn says and winks at me

"Are you sure you two want to be doing that at a time like this " Liam asks with a worried look on his face " Annalise you shouldn't be taken out your feelings on Niall " zayn says after analysing the situation and then putting in his two cents worth,

"Guys I know your just looking out for me but I don't hurt like every body else , I close myself up and I will get over it my way and jay would rather me be happy instead of lying in bed wondering why bad bad bad things happen to good people I dealt with these situations too many times to roll up into a ball and cry I can't do that , it's just not me " I say with a smile "so boys are we going to get the girls or are we going to sit here all day until we have to go out to the um, To the ahh ,until we have to go out this arvo ? " " no come on let's go I can't wait to see Dani" Liam says with a smile and we start walking out leaving Niall and Harry in my apartment .

Nialls p.o.v

" She's not alright Harry she can't even say funeral " I said to Harry the minute the door closed , " Niall you can't push it you have only just met her and I can tell by the way you to act around each other that you like ht and she really likes you , and she is awesome can you bring her home with you ?? " he asks with a smile like a bloody Cheshire Cat " you really like her ? , okay I'm going to be totally honest I really really really like her and I have only known her for like 3 days "

" yes Niall we all know that you really like her so bring her on tour and the. Bring her back to London "

" but it's not that easy she's a swimmer she needs her coach where ever she goes "

"We'll talk to her coach and bring her along and bring her back home with us too , we have millions of dollars why not spend on someone rather than spend it on our selfs and get pointless shit that we don't need and if you don't want to pay for her coach to come over and the money to set her up I will talk to the boys and ask them and we will split because it was their idea to bring annalise home with us , her coach can just live in my old flat "

" are you sure Harry I don't want to put you guys out and what happens if I ask Annalise and she says no ?" "We won't take no for an answer ! Okay niall?" "Okay , I will try and find her coaches number and give her a call and ask if we can met up "


Sorry it's short but I'm writing on Christmas Eve feel very lucky because I love you guys and you make every thing worth it , this story is pretty shitty so

Please please please I beg you to give me pointers and all that

And before I upload again I would really like at least 5 votes :) I hope that's not to hard :) any way merry Christmas I will try and update Wednesday and I would really like to know what y'all got for Chrissy

Any way merry Christmas guys

Love you xxxx


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