The pool is my saftey net

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Hey guy so I hope you had a merry Christmas !! I did

I found out I have been excepted into the the young swimmers of Australia programme were only the top 2% of kids that swim get accepted I was one of 600 people to be entered and I was accepted how cool is that

Any way I fly to London next week to do a camp there and then I go to china for two weeks to train with best coach so long story short I will still update but not as regular as normal I will try as much as possible but don't expect to much guys I'm sorry but this is big for me like really big I might get my dream and swim for Australia at the Olympics anyway merry Christmas and a happy new year !!


Annalise p.o.v

As I sit in the car with Liam , zayn and Louis , Liam and zayn were talking about how much they missed there girlfriends and Lou was being , well he was being lou , I wondered if I was really okay , I started to feel rather closed in and the car seemed to be very small , I had to get out of that car now " stop the car " I yell at the top of my lungs as , all eyes turned onto me the car quickly came to a holy , I jumped out and started to run as fast as I could I was running far far away , I was running in the direction of the pool an I wasn't looking back .

Niall p.o.v

As I was walking along the side walk to the cafe that I had agreed to met Annalise coach at , my phone started to ring in my pocket

"I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby "

I quickly fumbled around looking for my phone I'm my back pocket and once I found it I looked at the caller Id "ahh Liam what's up Mate " " I lost her " he sounded out of puff " lost who ?" I ask starting to get worried "Annalise she ran away she got out of the car and sprinted away and um mate she is a world record holding swimmer witch means she pretty fit witch means she like a bloody race horse when she runs I lost her I tried run after I just couldn't keep up and then she turned a corner and just vanished into thin air I'm so sorry mate but I can't look for her we have to go pick up the girl if you don't find her before we get back we will all look for I'm so so sorry niall" he says with sorrow in his voice " okay um I will look for her look mate don't worry she messed up right now you can't help it , now I'm on my way to meet some one who might no where she is okay can't wait to see dani mate I really miss her " I say as I hang up the phone and walk into the coffee shop , I walk straight to the back to look for the lady I was meant to met " hey I'm Niall any way I know this is rushed and all that and we will talk about what we were going to talk about later but I need to find Annalise she has run off and I don't know where to can you help ? " I say with desperation in my eyes " nice to meet you Niall I'm Julie you stay here I will be back in about an hour I know where she is okay ?" "Okay " she said this and walked swiftly out of the shop .

Annalise p.o.v

I went to the place that I felt most at home , the swimming pool but not just any swimming pool the pool that me and jay trained at every morning since we were seven , I walked down the hall way where former champions pictured hung apon the walls to remind as that Australia is made of champions , these walls also had champions that were still swimming I walked to the very end to see me and my friends , my favourite picture was the one taken at the Beijing Olympics just after I got down off the platform after I given my gold for the 200m freestyle , it was of me and jay and he had my young 13 year old body on his shoulders as we were waving to his family he was so proud of me for just making it that far but to win a gold was just to crazy the next pictures down was another of him and me hugging each other and facing the camera it was taken last year at nationals when he won gold in the 800m freestyle his first ever national gold and he was going on the Olympics in London this year with me it was my second Olympics but they had me tipped to fail but jay and I knew better we were going to dominate , the next picture was a group picture of the national team this year it was just taken 2 months ago at the start of the year when we went back to Beijing I was owned my races and broke my own records in every race and I was still the fast girl to have ever swum , jay picked up 2 golds and 3 silvers we were so happy all of us , Stephanie was ready for London and happy then she hurt her shoulder , Libby retired two weeks ago come as a shock to me and I was really upset that I had to say good bye to a friend I had known for a long time because she was moving to America to start fresh and away from the pool and Geoff had retired to the generation was coming in and my old friend were leavening the young swimmers in the old generation to become the greats in the new generation it was kinda sad because emily seebomb is a year older then me and she swam at Beijing to was were becoming the old dogs but our careers were just begging we still had at least 10 years left in this game and we were being called the greats the world had seen nothing yet , the next picture was of me jay and Emily we were stand in front of the new London swimming complex that was being built for July it's was nearly done and were previewing it before we compete in July we seemed so happy , as I was bring back old memories of good time past somebody put their hand on my shoulder " he was up and coming, soon we would have had the same tittle as you fast person to step foot in to swimming world he was going to do great in London " I recognised the voice straight away and turned around " I don't know what I'm going to do with out him , I feel like I just want to swim out all this anger and just push through the pain until the wall stops me " I put my back against the wall and slide Down the it " Annalise I have already spoken to Emily but I want you and her to swim in London for jay you need to and you have to remember that he will always be with you and I have had some thing special made for you and Emily"..........

A/n: in the story Emily and jay had a thing going on behind the scenes so that why Emily is so upset .

She pulled out a pair of racing swimmers that had Australian representative on the front just above the breast and then on our bums it said this is for jay , this sent me over the edge I burst into tears Julie sat down next to me and I just let it out " I'm not alright I can't hide my pain anymore I have done it for to many years , to many times I have had to say good bye to all my loved ones I have no one left apart from you and Emily I so sick of it I don't want to say good bye anymore I have had enough " Julie went in her bag again and pulled out my training swimmers and a my Beijing cap that said jays sister and my googles " do what , what you and jay do take out what your feeling in the pool " I thanked her and got up and walked into the changes rooms I walked to my stall and pulled out the keys in my bra to unlock my stall door I walked inside to see my swimmers I wore last hanging up and my training kit on the ground just the way I left it , I got changed in to my pink and white swimmers and walked out , I walked to the end of the pool put my cap and googles on and dived in , it was something about that black line that always got me and made me feel at peace with the world and let me think out everything that was on my mind that black on the ground of the pool was my life line and I needed it , that one swim reminded why I started swimming in the first place , I started to feel genuinely happy for the first time in 4 days .

Nialls p.o.v

I was on the phone to Julie she told me to get down to the pool with a towel and that she was going back to Annalise flat to grab Annalise clothes for the funeral and she will be back I turned up at the pool and I watched Annalise swim up and down the pool with such grace it was beautiful now I know why she was so good !! I could sit there and watch her all day , she had to come to live in London with me but I still need to talk to Julie !!


Okay so I know I said I wasn't going to update until you guys voted well please I would really like 5 vote before the next update thank you any way sorry its short but it's Christmas Day for gods sake give me a break any way love you guys and remember feedback and vote guys thanks !!

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