Chapter 12: Snakes pt 2 + New skill

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Orochimaru falters for a second after seeing the transformation and Naruto took this chance to throw a few kunai at the snake man. Alas, he jumps away in the nick of time.

Naruto makes a few shadow clones and powers up a Giant Rasengan in sync with his doppelgangers. They all rush at Orochimaru. The snake man kicks one shadow clone away and makes a mud wall to stop the other attacks. Naruto uses headhunter jutsu to come up behind Orochimaru and throw a punch at him. Orochimaru catches the punch and kicks Naruto to the ground. Naruto gets back up in a split second later and starts a flurry of attacks, few of which hit, the rest are caught or blocked.

Naruto now knows that he can not overpower his opponent, so he decides to try overwhelming him instead. He throws a kunai and teleports to it, landing a kick on Orochimaru, who goes in to hit Naruto but finds himself only hitting air as Naruto decimates his back with a Giant Rasengan. Orochimaru sneers. "Tricky little-" He is cut off as Naruto teleports above him, landing another hit. Orochimaru is powerless to stop the child as he is overwhelmed by the multiple directions he has to block from, and the kunai that is relentlessly being thrown in all directions at him.

Orochimaru knows he can't keep this up for much longer and decides to retreat, for now, dissipating into snakes.

Naruto falls to the ground in exhaustion and looks at the rising sun. His Toad Sage Mode is wiped as Naruto eats a food pill. "Jeez, I didn't think I would survive that," He says.

Naruto rests for a few moments before getting back up and heading back to the sand village.


When he arrives back at the village Naruto is greeted by the guard. "Holy heck, what happened?" He asks him after seeing his beat-up body. "Orochimaru" Naruto replies. The guard is shocked. "I need to see the Kazekage," Naruto continues, "Now."

Naruto is brought before Lord Rasa. "What happened. I need a full report." Rasa commands. Naruto nods his head. "I searched the area as you asked, and found an entrance covered by a faint chakra signal. I went inside and found Orochimaru in his study. I'm not sure how, but he realized I was there and started to attack me. We then fought, and I managed to hold out long enough that he left." Naruto recalls. "He left?" Rasa questions. "Yes. I overwhelmed him, and he retreated, but I am very low on chakra." Naruto answers. "I see," Rasa snapped his fingers and two sand anbu appeared next to him. "I want you to take this boy to the hospital and have him rest there overnight," Rasa tells them. "Yes sir." They say and start executing their orders.

As Naruto lays in his hospital bed, he thinks about his fight with Orochimaru. 'There is no way he was overwhelmed by me...' He thinks. 'Orochimaru must have been weakened, but how? He might be planning something...'


Two days later he gets out of the hospital and goes back to training. The power he felt when he used Toad Sage Mode was immense but the exhaustion was even more so. He needed to control sage mode. Though after training his whole life in chakra control, controlling a new one would be even harder than normal.

Even so, the training begins.

Quick A/N right here, for any that were wondering, Naruto is able to gather the natural energy needed for sage jutsu much quicker than normal due to his connection with Kurama. Usually, someone can't go into sage mode that fast unless they had shadow clones. (Which Naruto also had just in case he wasn't able to gather the energy needed in time. Though, it would make sense if he used shadow clones from Mount Myoboku during the fight since he would lose natural energy as he used sage mode.

Naruto trained for days just standing still and trying to stay in sage mode for as long as possible. After around two weeks he realized that his natural energy gain only gave him around two hours of sage mode with minimal movements, and once he started fighting Jiraiya in the form, it only lasted about forty minutes.

One day he was training when Kurama decided to speak up. "Hey," Kurama says. "What's up?" Naruto asks him. "I have a way that may help you use sage mode." He says. "Really?!" Naruto says, excited. "Yes. I can give you natural energy through my chakra reserves." Kurama smirks, knowing what the kid's reaction is going to be. Naruto jumps up, breaking his meditation. "YES!" He says happily and goes to get Jiraiya.

He finds Jiraiya at his usual 'researching' location. "Hey, Pervy Sage!" He yells, alerting the woman of the bathhouse to Jiraiya's 'researching' spot.

A few minutes later Jiraiya comes out to greet Naruto with a red face full of slap marks. "Can't you tell I'm working?" He says, annoyed. "We need to fight!" Naruto says. Jiraiya realizes his chance for revenge and starts to battle Naruto. "Wait! Not in the middle of the street..." Naruto says. "Oh yeah..." Jiraiya chuckles and rubs the back of his head.

The two relocate and resume their fight.

Jiraiya gets into his stance and goes into sage mode. He notices Naruto doesn't have his scroll.

"Are you gonna fight with no sage mode-"

Naruto closes his eyes for a moment and then reopens them. When he does, they become toadlike. Jiraiya's jaw drops. "This kid..." he says smirking.

Naruto takes the first move with a thrown kunai. Jiraiya recognizes this as flying raijin and goes to catch the kunai and fling it away. As he does, he sees that there is no seal on it. His eyes widen and quickly move to where Naruto was standing to see that he is already gone.

Suddenly he feels chakra behind him and catches a flying knee to the face. Naruto explodes into smoke and throws a kick at him from the side. Jiraiya dodges this and throws a kunai at the other clone who explodes.

Naruto keeps up this tactic of using shadow clones for various blows, tiring Jiraiya.

Soon he rushes at him from upfront with blazing speeds. As he runs he charges a large Rasengan. Jiraiya sees this and charges one of his own. They clash and it is clear who the victor is. Naruto pushes back Jiraiya and they start fighting.

They throw punches and kicks for a bit before separating. Naruto makes around 100 shadow ones and prepares to win the battle.

To be continued...

Hey, thanks for reading. Been a bit longer than I hoped to get this chapter out, but I hope you enjoyed it anyways.

See ya next time Uchihas

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