what you need
Full Moon (optional)
daytime, before sunset, and after sunrise
Say This 10 Times in the daytime.
"By the light of the moon and our piercing howls, we are further transformed into cunning beasts. By the circle of life to the evolution of man, I shall be reawakened as one with the land
Uncontrollable Anger, (unless you did the optional add-on)
Stronger, glowing eyes
Faster, more attractive
Better Senses Even In Human Form,
Bone, Muscle, Teeth, And Head Aches,
An Upset Stomach
you will be more flexible
like to keep your distance from others
don't blame me I just warned you
rage fits
warning growls/snarls/howls
always howling when a howl sounds
*Warning there is no reverse spell and side effects may differ for every person that does the spell*