26 ♥ ~ Tuesday

167 5 4

× ♦ A ♦ ×
Arrowsmith Writers ®

Bօօk Fivҽ; Cհaptҽr Twҽnty-Six


♥ · × G R A C E × · ♥

I shared my umbrella with Kiana, as we walked under the unbearable heat of the scorching sun.

The orphanage was the farthest among all the areas of each of the groups, and I'm not saying that's a good thing.

Not to mention the merciless weather. Me and Kiana barely fit under the shadow of my umbrella.

Only Patrick is currently super-confident about his protection regarding the weather,

He was humming merrily, without a care, thanks to his sunscreen slash whitening lotion ofcourse.

Bryce was wearing a hat like Nadzmier's, only less-fabulous.

Neil was grumbling, complaining to the 'sun god', as he states it.

But, I think he doesn't really care about sunburn. I guess it's pretty clear why.

I wonder how Brendan's group is doing?

I do hope he's--- I mean they're--- okay.

Me and Kiana giggled a bit at Patrick. He was taking his ‘humming’ really seriously. He was even bringing on some dance moves.

The sun shone brighter above us as we groaned.

Argh, why do we have to keep saving the world?

Oh well, we have to. I just want all this madness to end.

I want to skip to the part where I get my first dance with Brendan. . . at the prom I really long for.

“Ah, there it is. . .” Bryce said.

We all took sight of a sign that says "St. Augustine's Orphanage".

We walked faster. Patrick skipped merrily at our front, taking the lead. He probably knows these streets a lot.

I folded back my umbrella as we neared the main entrance.

We walked inside the decent building. It wasn't modern, it was just an average-looking orphanage.

There were desks with files and empty chairs at the main floor.

We overlooked the structure map, which was inside a folder on the front desk, finding out the locations of the orphans' rooms.

“The rooms are on the third and fourth floors,” Bryce clarified.

“That's a long way up. . .” I mumbled.

Gladly, we spotted elevators.

“I'll push the button!” Neil declared.

“I'm the leader, I'll do the honors.” Bryce argued.

“Boys, boys, I'll do it. Shoo, out of the way.” Patrick said, keeping his earphones inside his shirt pocket.

The three argued for a while, debating about why they should be the ones to press the elevator button.

Then they played ‘rock, paper, scissors’. .  .

Still not satisfied with the results, they played ‘Banana Split’.

Patrick is currently losing in a match against Neil.

But fortunately, Patrick was unexpectedly good at splitting. His legs reached a really long distance.

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