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It was a sunny day this Saturday.
Dabi and his friend Toga headed to beach at about 4.15 in the afternoon. It was perfectly usual for them to come here, after all, they live near.
'I hope it doesn't rain!'
Toga, or crazy, how Dabi calls her, said.
'When did it rain last time?'
'I don't really remember Dabs, but you don't want it to rain either, right?'
When they arrived Toga ran and kneeled in the sand.
She giggled as Dabi placed their towels near the sea.
They both were in their  swimming costumes so Toga jumped in the sea.
Then suddenly she ran to Dabi.
'Pfft.. Pussy..'
'On it.'
'That's what I thought..'
Dabi made his way to the sea.
He saw a little crab walking on the sand.
He got closer and the crab ran to the sea. Then something in the corner of Dabi's eyes sparkled.
He turned around to see a white haired male swimming. He seemed cute so Dabi made his way to him. Just when he was about to say something, the male was gone. Raven haired male looked around searching for clue where he might of gone.
He indeed saw nothing.
How weird he thought.
He started making his way to the beach and his towels but he felt like someone was watching him.
Dabi turned around and grabbed them.
It was the same person as before.
'L-Let go..!'
The voice was quiet and scared.
'I'm not gonna do anything to you, see?'
The taller one let him go.
Then he was met by pair of red ruby eyes. They were unique and if felt like they were staring in his soul. First look that he got was scared but then it softened.
'I-I need to go.!'
He quickly started swimming away.
But he didn't stop.
That's when Dabi saw something really unbelievable.
He saw a mermaid tail.
It was light blue and white.
Black haired male couldn't keep his eyes off the spot.
Mermaids don't exist, right?
Probably just some fake..
But what if it isn't?
He had to know.
'Wait up!'
Dabi started swimming too.
The sea was getting real dark now, it started getting deeper and deeper. He stopped when he got tired. Then he realized how far Toga actually was from him.
Panic was the only thing on his mind. He hated sea.
Something started pulling him in the sea.
His eyes widened.
The hell was happening?
(I'm asking myself too Dabi.)
He saw a huge fish also known as a shark.
Yeah, that was it.
That was it for him.
He felt sharp teeth in his left leg and then when he expected the worst...
It didn't happen.
Shark was gone.
In the deep and dark sea he saw that white hair. It started getting closer and closer.
His leg hurt as hell but that was the lest problem here.
'Are you okay?'
That soft voice from before asked.
'You shouldn't have of followed me..'
Dabi felt pair of hands around his torso.
'I'll get you back..'
The taller male was being closer and closer to the beach.
When he was on the sand the mermaid was gone.
And his leg didn't hurt anymore.
He looked at it and it didn't have that bruise from before.
'Dabi! I was so worried!! What took you so long and where were you?!'
'I was uhh.. Chasing the crab?'
'The fuck you did. Let's go home shall we?'
Toga slapped him.
'I was so worried dipshit. You could drown..'
'But I didn't.'
Dabi stated proudly.
'Yeah, you have luck. Remember when you almost drowned in your bath-'
'Let's just get going crazy.'

[𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖌𝖆𝖉𝖆𝖇𝖎 𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙𝖘] Where stories live. Discover now