Chapter 1

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            Lila climbed out of her bed around noon and groaned as she stretched her body out. 'Thank good its Saturday!' She thought to herself as she walked to the kitchen. The young woman had been living on her own for about a year now. Her parents up and left one day without even laving a note. To the average person she looked perfectly fine, but to her best-friend, the pain was more than obvious. She sighed and made herself breakfast. The large house was painfully quiet, the only discerning sounds being that of the popping grease and the soft music that came from her phone. This unfortunately was her reality. Her every day. She sighed softly and plated the food, turning to sit at the table. She lifted her chin to see a picture of her smiling parents. 

         "Tsk. Of course I'm not in the picture. They were always happier when i wasn't around." She muttered to herself. "It's not like they were good parents anyway..." She sighed and sat down at the table, eating the breakfast she had made for herself. Next came a hot shower, then dressing in her everyday clothes. She sighed softly as she ran a brush through her long black hair. She looked down at her fore arm, grimacing at the claw marks that danced around on her skin. 'Fucking bitch... Oh well. I don't have to worry about that little skank anymore.' She shook her head and pulled on her hoodie to cover the marks. This was normal for her, even in the hot summer months she wore a hoodie so no one would question why she had one on. Though to be safe she made sure to wrap her arms just in case her wounds decided they wanted to open up while she was at school.

         Once the girl was satisfied she grabbed her skateboard and backpack then walked out the door of her home, locking the door behind her. She popped in her earbuds and took off, making her way to school. She wasn't the most liked person in the town, she knew that all too well, but she didn't really care anymore. There's only one person in this world who's opinion really mattered to Lila, and that was her best friend and love of her life, Kyoka Lovegood.

          What was there to say about Kyoka... The girl traveled to the U.S. a little less than a year ago, arriving in the final months of school. In those few short weeks the two had become inseparable, mostly due to the overwhelming kindness Lila displayed. Where others ignored or downright bullied the transfer student, Lila extended her hand and offered to show her around the small town as well as a few of her favorite spots to disappear for a while. She even helped her with her English, though she really didn't need it. Kyoka was an independent Japanese girl, capable of doing anything she set her mind to, though after the tragedy that plagued she needed all the support she could get. See the only reason the girl was in America was because her father died in a work related accident. Her father was Japanese, but her mother was born and raised in Riverwood, Oklahoma. Twila left one night a few months after Kyoka was born, opting to settle in her home town instead of Japan. She felt guilty leaving her newborn, but Kyoka never hated her. 

         The teen arrived at the school not long after taking off. Just as she expected Kyoka and her mother were pulling up alongside her. She jumped off the board and picked it up, walking alongside her friend. She sighed and waved to Twila, which in turn earned her a disapproving glare. 'She's beginning to irk me. If she don't stop meddling in my affairs she will have to be taken out like the rest of them.' She thought to herself. She walked up the steps with her best friend by her side and hummed. She looked at Kyoka and took her hand.

         "Hey you know if you need anything, or if anyone is bothering you just come find me. I'll kick their ass for you." She said with a soft grin on her face. 

         "Kon'nichiwa Lila, I will keep that in mind. Though i cant rely on you to fight my battles for me, I'm not a weakling." The Japanese girl said with a small blush.

         "I didn't say you were weak, there's nothing wrong with having to rely on some one. I know how cruel these kids can be. You should've seen the way they acted when i came out as gay. I can't count how many fight I'd gotten into because of it."

         "But-" Kyoka began, before being cut off by Lila.

         "But nothing dear, the reason you came to America was so that you  don't have to do everything on your own right?" The taller girl hummed, looking over at the girl

         "Well.. You're right. Thank you Lila, you're a blessing in this cursed mess." Kyoka smiled softly as they walked to their first class. The pair sighed as they parted ways, hoping to get the day over with quickly. 

((AN: Hey people, thank you for taking the time to read this hot mess. I would appreciate any feed back you guys have. I will be workin on a MHA fan fic later on, but i want to get this going good. Love you all, chapter 2 will be coming soon.

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