Chapter 9

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"Child, what did I tell you about keeping a low profile," Commander Rigel admonishes. He marches up to me and pulls the shawl down my face, covering me entirely. 

"I need to talk to him," I sputter. A newfound confidence floods my veins when I'm faced with nothing but the black cloth shielding me from everyone's prying eyes.


"That's not necessary," Lucian answers both of us and I don't know how but even without my sight I can feel him slipping away from me. I reach forward and grab at the air, nearly falling over but then someone grabs my shirt, steadying me. 

"Get a hold of yourself, girl," Commander Rigel mutters under his breath. 

"Please, just give me five minutes. Didn't you say you owed me?" I press on and he sighs loudly.

I don't even know what I'm going to say to Lucian but my entire body is moving without my control. My brain has lost all function and my heart has taken over, pushing every muscle, every limb towards him. 

"Fine, I give you five minutes and then we proceed with our meeting," The Commander says and I feel him pull me forward. I hurry after him, my feet stumbling over others ever so often. I can't see a thing and it only amplifies the growing panic in my chest.

I step through a curtain like door and the commander finally pulls my shawl over my face. My eyes blink profusely as I adjust to the harsh lights above and then I take in the flimsy green walls that surround us in this large tent. 

It is similar to the one the rebels used to communicate with Lucian when I first arrived only this is much larger. There is a huge table lying in the centre of the room but no chairs. 

My eyes focus on Lucian who is standing by the opposite side of the table, staring at me. Luna and General Lyra are standing by his sides and I notice the general shifting uncomfortably when she sees me. 

Her face is an undecipherable mask, I can't tell what she is thinking only that sinking intuition that me being here has annoyed her. 

I feel so confused. I thought she was helping us, now I don't even know if she is 'S' anymore. 

One thing is for sure I can't tell Lucian anything until I know for certain. 

Betraying him was one thing, blaming his mother for all of it without a single shred of proof would be sheer stupidity. 

"Commander Rigel, shall we commence our discussion?" Lucian turns to the commander, ignoring me completely and my cheeks burn in humiliation and hurt. 

I notice Luna staring at me. I expected her to be happy at my predicament but she just stares at me in pity. She holds Lucian's arm to get his attention and nods my way but Lucian is his usual stubborn self. 

He shrugs out of her hold and glares at Commander Rigel who has told everyone else not to come in yet. 

"The girl wants a word with you alone and I owe her. I give you both five minutes."

Luna nods in understanding and she gently pulls General Lyra outside with her. 

"This is a waste of time," Lucian says but Commander Rigel leaves soon after and now it is just the two of us, alone in this huge tent. 

My eyes find his and suddenly I'm at a loss for words. 

"Are you just going to stand there like a mute?" Lucian asks after a few awkward seconds. "Didn't you come here to gloat about how you succeeded in using me to get back to Earth? Well congratulations but I'm going to have to pass on this celebration." 

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