Cordelia Sealeman

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Nickname: Delia

Age: 35

Gender: Female

Species: Seal

State: Alive

Sexuality: Asexual

Height: 1.64m (5'3)

Hair: Black

Eyes: Olive green

Outfit: Red shirt with white and pink long sleeves and long pink skirt

Affiliation(s): Cauvon Bay

Occupation(s): Writer

Marital status: Single

Family: Herbert Sealeman (father)

                 Paula Beckett (mother)

                 Zelda Sealeman (older sister)

                 Adelaide Sealeman(younger sister)

                 Bernadette Sealeman(younger sister)

                 Summer Sealeman (younger sister)

                 Oliver Cook (brother-in-law)

                 Desirè Cook (niece)

                 Ulric Cook (nephew)

Relations: Sidney Jones  (friend)              

Some fun facts:

-Cordelia is the second child of the Sealemans. She's very reserved but aristocratic, similarly to her mother

-She is very attached to her older sister Zelda and she's the only one she allows to use the nickname "Delia". Because of this attachment, she hates her sister's husband Oliver

-She quarrels very often with her sister Heidi, because of their extremely different personalities. When Heidi left the house Cordelia said that she didn't approve of her childish behavior and her questionable life choices

-She is an aspiring short story writer, has won many competitions and she publishes a column on the city newspaper. Because of this passion she and Sid, one of Al's brothers, started to meet sparking the gossip of the people of Cauvon Bay

 Because of this passion she and Sid, one of Al's brothers, started to meet sparking the gossip of the people of Cauvon Bay

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