Open Season For Love Part 18.

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Adam was still working his job and he continued to date Catherine he planned to marry her but, they wanted a very small wedding nothing to big. So, they planned for it to be in the next ninety days springtime would be here it will be the month of May by then. It was February and very cold outside. Adam was glad they postponed the wedding because his son would be born very soon. It was the second week of March and Adam son was born in America he named his son Malcolm Adam- Okon. Zayonna said Adam my love are we going to get the tubal ligation you now have four children. No, you are going to get on birth control which will prevent you from becoming pregnant for about 2 or 3 years. Zayonna was happy to hear that after time has passed by then we will decide by then. Adam waited about two weeks after his son was born to let his wife know in two months he will be marrying Catherine. Adam said she will be your sister- wife so you will be gaining a sister. We will not be living where we are now. I and Catherine already looked at an eight-bedroom house with three full bathrooms and no basement on one level. It looks like a huge mansion you see on TV for the children. Zayonna I want you to take your GED to get that certificate and attend school to get a better job. Zayonna agreed but, she continued to braid hair until she got into the computer and realized she prefer an office job. Adam stayed on Zayonna about her way of doing things. Zanna felt like Adam was moving way too fast from the life she was used to. Once a month Zayonna sent her mother money and she sent more when she could. Zayonna's mother moved to a better area than she had ever lived before. Zayonna younger sister stayed home and Zayonna's two older brothers lived far away. They both lived in different cities away from their mothers. Zaya wanted to move her mother and sister to America.

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