thirty four | ❝a liking to you.❞

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❝You are the only one for me

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You are the only one for me.


HARRY HELD OUT his hand for Anna to take. "May I have your first dance?" His face bore a boyish smile and his eyes held a wicked gleam that Anna felt drawn to. The chandelier above them cast heavenly gold on his accentuated features; Anna couldn't resist.

"Gladly," she said, trying desperately to school her facial expression into a somber smile.

But as soon as Harry pulled her into his arms and the music started playing, all pretence and awkwardness went right off the window. She was happy, truly happy, dancing in his safe and warm embrace.

Harry placed a hand on the small of her back and guided her along as the music reached its crescendo. An elaborate string quartet sat at one side of the hall. After every five feet distance, an armed guard in black stood intimidatingly. Huge chandeliers hung from the ceilings, each worth more than thirty years of her salary.

Among all of the dancing couples, the socialising butterflies, and a very annoyed Mia on whose feet Noah kept stepping, the Agapi Mou stood apart. It sat in its glass case, radiating brilliant shafts of light all around it. After Harry, only the necklace kept catching her eye.

"Interested in the necklace now, are we?" Harry whispered, bending dangerously close to her neck. She could feel his warm breath on her shoulder and it took every ounce of her willpower to not sigh at this brief spark between them.

Anna cleared her throat, relieving herself of her thoughts. "You, were pretty interested long before I was." Then as an afterthought she added, "I'm only doing this so that you don't get killed. However surprising it may sound, I might've taken a liking to you."

She looked coyly into his eyes. Running a hand along the lapel of his tuxedo, she winked before spinning away from him, into the crowd of dancers.

Just then, the lights went out and the whole ballroom descended into darkness. All hell broke loose as guests began screaming and the guards scrambled all over the place, crashing and bumping into each other.

"Anna, now!" She heard a whisper near her ear and immediately bent down to retrieve a whip that was coiled around her leg. Anna rushed towards the large ball doors and positioned herself near it, whip in hand.

A burly guard came charging, like a bull gone rogue. Anna was ready. She tightened the grip on her lash and swung it up, finally throwing it into direct contact with the guard's face. He staggered back whimpering and fell to the ground with a thud. She felt a presence next to her and she turned, ready to strike.

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