fourteen | ❝forever the agent.❞

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❝Don't call me angel

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Don't call me angel.


THE TWO GIRLS stood still. "Anna? What are you doing here? Za-" Mia finally found her tongue after a while but was interrupted by Harry.

"Wait. You two know each other?" Harry asked, stealing a sideways glance at Mark, who looked stunned too. They had requested for complete strangers and this didn't seem anything like two strangers meeting each other.

Anna was quick to jump in. "Yes, we do. Would you guys mind if we stepped aside for a few minutes? Please?" She looked at Harry with pleading eyes, trying her best to get him to listen to her. She just needed a little time alone with Mia to sort things out.

She could feel Harry's eyes on her, suspicion evident in their golden darkness. Mark got up from his crate and took two steps towards Harry. He bent down and whispered something in his ears, after which Harry nodded slowly.

"Fine, five minutes. Then you better come back and tell us what this is about." Harry waved them off towards the surveillance room. Anna took hold of a stunned Mia's hand and led her into a secluded corner in the adjacent room.

As soon as they were at a safe distance, Anna whirled on Mia. "What are you doing here?" She half screamed, half quavered.

Mia's eyes shone with defiance as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. She held her chin up and locked eyes with Anna. "What are you doing here? You don't really strike me as the loyal type or the criminal type, now, do you?"

Anna furrowed her brows. "What the fuck are you talking about? When was I ever disloyal?"

Mia smirked and threw one hand out carelessly. "What do you call this, then? Your loyalty? Selling people out?"

"You know where my loyalties lie. And I am not selling people out. I am doing my job," Anna gritted her teeth, hating the venom in her voice.

"Sure. Let me just go and tell them who you really are. Maybe it's time they know who they are canoodling with," Mia said and turned around to walk away from her. Anna caught hold of her arm and pulled her back.

"Mia," Anna said, a desperate urgency in her voice that made Mia look back at her.

"First, don't touch me. Second, do you really think I have forgotten what you did to me? My family? My life? My job?" Mia hissed, hatred burning her brown eyes to charcoal. "This job that you love so much? It was supposed to be mine. You took everything from me, Anna. I am sorry if you think I am going to help you out now."

Anna let go of her arm and looked down at her shoes. "Mia, I- I am sorry for what I did but can't you see? It was necessary. What you did was wrong and I couldn't stand by and watch you do it. I had-"

"Had to what, Anna? Go running to Zachary about it? Snitch on me to Damien? Has it ever occurred to you that you could have asked me instead?" Mia's face twisted, the scar on her face turning uglier by the second. "You know what you are, Anna. You ride too far on your high horse of righteousness. What I did was none of your business. But you made it yours. And look where I am now."

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