chapter 7

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Wei Wuxian knew that something was unusual. He turned to look, and sure enough, Lan Wangji carried his sword, Bichen, on his back, and stood under an elegant, verdant, ancient tree, looking in their direction from afar. He was like a jade tree, his whole body mottled with shadows of leaves and sunlight. However, his gaze wasn't kind at all. Being stared at by him was as if they had fallen into an ice cave. Everyone knew that the idle clamor they had been making just now had been a little loud, and they were afraid that the noise had drawn him here, so they had the awareness to shut their mouths. Yet, Wei Wuxian jumped down and went up to greet him, calling him, "Wangji-xiong!"

Lan Wangji turned and walked away. In high spirits, Wei Wuxian chased after him, shouting, "Wangji-xiong, wait for me!"

In a flash, the figure clad in white, floating robes disappeared without a trace behind a tree. It was clear that Lan Wangji didn't want to chat with him. Wei Wuxian only had a view of his back, which was uninteresting. He turned to the others and complained, "He ignored me."he pouted

"Yeah," Nie Huaisang said. "It looks like he really hates you, Wei-xiong. Lan Wangji usually...No, he has never been this impolite before."

Wei Wuxian asked, "He already hates me? I wanted to apologize to him."

Jiang Cheng jeered at him. "You're only apologizing now. It's too late! He is definitely like his uncle and thinks that you're a completely evil and rotten person. He doesn't think it's worth paying attention to you."

Wei Wuxian didn't think this way, and with a hey!, he said, "If he ignores me, then he ignores me. Does he look pretty?" He thought about it again. 'indeed he looked pretty' and relived he crossed his desire to curl his lips about the thought of him

jc: wwx your whipped

nhs: agreed jiang-xiong

jyl: a-xian is whipped i agree a-cheng

Three days later, Wei Wuxian finally figured out what Lan Qiren's bad habit was.

The content of Lan Qiren's lecture was incomparably tedious and long, and unfortunately, everything was tested on. Changes in several generations of cultivational clans, differentiating spheres of influence, well-known sayings of distinguished cultivators, family pedigrees...

Listening to it was like listening to a book from heaven with illegible writing, and staying silent was like selling oneself as a slave. Nie Huaisang helped Wei Wuxian copy Morality twice, and right before the exam, he pleaded, "Please, Wei-xiong, this year is my third year in Gusu. If I don't get past a grade of yi (1), my older brother really will break my legs! Things like differentiating between directly related people, distantly related people, members of the same clan, and divisions of a clan. For descendants of noble clans like us, we can't even clearly understand our own family relationships, and apart from the first two degrees of relatives, we just randomly call people aunt and uncle without thinking. Who has room in their brain to remember other clans?!"

As a consequence of the cheat sheets that flew around on slips of paper, Lan Wangji suddenly lunged in the middle of the exam and caught a few people who started the exchange. Lan Qiren flew into a rage and sent letters to each great clan to report the incident. He hated it very much. Before, although the juniors of the clans were restless, there somehow wasn't anyone who rose to take the lead. Their buttocks were reluctantly stuck to their calves as they knelt in place. But once Wei Wuxian had arrived, these brats with wicked intentions but no guts were egged on by his banter. They would go out at night and drink alcohol, their unhealthy practices gradually growing. Sure enough, this Wei Ying was what he had expected. He was truly the number one threat to the human world!

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