chapter 9

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wwx , nhs and jc were just walking and saw two people

the two people turned to them

wwx: there are two lan zhan's?

lxc just laughs softly

lxc smiles and lwj glare at wwx

nhs:xichen-geeeee what are you doing here

lxc:hello huaisang?  and may i ask who these are?

jc: im am jiang cheng courtsey name wanyin sect heir of yunmeng jiang, this is wei yin coutsey name wuxian he is yunmeng jiang's head disciple

lxc: hello do you wanna go with us wee are going to investigate about the waterbone abbys 

wwx: really?! can we join ?!

lwj: we dont need help-

lxc: we'd be happy to have help... we have to go


lwj: xiongzhang why did you include  them?

lxc: wei gongzi and jiang gongzi are expierienced

lwj glares and lxc smiles

lxc: and plus you look like you wanted wei-gongzi to come with us

lwj blushes and turns away: n-nonesense!

everyone looked at lwj

lwj avoided their stares

and everyone had smirkes on their faces

lwj:'how can brother read me too well?!'

nhs: ohhh~~ wangji-xiong so you really did want wei xiong to come

many people were internally supporting wangxian

lqr glares at wwx

and qihengjun just shakes with head with a soft smile

lxc just laughs then goes

the scene changes in biling lake

Gusu was located in Jiangnan, and the voices that entered the ear were soft and mild-mannered. Two boats collided head-on, spilling a few jars of rice wine, and even when the two boatmen argued, it sounded like the crisp and sweet birdsong of an oriole. Yunmeng had many lakes, but it was rare for there to be small towns of this sort with waterways. Wei Wuxian found it peculiar. He fished money out of his pocket to buy two jars of rice wine, and handed one jar over to Jiang Cheng, saying, "The Gusu people speak so sweetly. How is this arguing? If they see how people of Yunmeng argue, they might be scared to death...Lan Zhan, what are you looking at me for? It's not because I'm stingy that I'm not buying it for you. Aren't people from your clan unable to drink alcohol?"

yzy: what do you mean sacred to death?

Not staying for long, they boarded ten or so narrow boats and rowed towards where the water spirits gathered. Gradually, the houses on both banks became fewer in number, and the river channel also became quiet. Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng each occupied a boat, competing to see who could row faster while listening to matters related to the water spirits at this place.

This river channel led to a large lake up ahead called Biling Lake. In the past decades, Caiyi Town had never been haunted by water spirits, but in recent months, people had repeatedly fallen into this water channel and Biling Lake. Cargo ships also sunk without an explanation. A few days ago, Lan Xichen had casted an array of nets in this area, originally thinking that he could catch one or two of them. Who would have expected that he would capture a dozen or more water spirits in a row. He had cleaned the corpses and brought them to the nearby town to inquire about them, but there had actually been quite a lot of corpses that had gone unclaimed, not recognized by the local people. Yesterday, he had cast the array of nets once more and had caught quite a few again.

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