An Old Friend

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8:20 AM

Directive Committee

Y/N: So? Why did you request my presence?

Nezu: Regarding your internship, we've consulted every single agency. Unfortunately none wants to take you in for training

Y/N: They cant handle the Witcher style (winking his eye)

All Might: Yet, we've been in contact with someone, fresh off the ship, says he'll help with training and getting you the next level

Y/N: Really, who can teach a Witcher new tricks?

???: I see your sarcasm and cynicism's still in one piece

???: I see your sarcasm and cynicism's still in one piece

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Y/N: Vesemir!?

Vesemir: In the flesh; glad to see you alive and well

Y/N: But how? Imlerith killed you

Vesemir: So did I thought but then again, something quite rare happened, you see after you burned my body I regained consciousness in somewhere far away from the Continent, another dimension perhaps, a bit later a strange entity offered me a second chance at life in another dimension. He said his name was O'dimm and could give me that opportunity with no charge whatever he meant.

Y/N: Guess you took it without remorse

Vesemir: Always wanted to see with my very eyes what would be a world without us , something more calm for a change, not disappointed so far

Y/N: Oh you son of a bitch

Both give each other a brotherly hug

Endeavor: Language

Y/N & Vesemir: Fuck off

Nezu: Now that that's taken care of, Mr Vesemir I trust you with my student, I'm sure you'll give him the proper internship he needs

Vesemir: Your student? Everything he knows he learned it from me haha, but sure don't worry principal he's in good hands

Nezu: You're dismissed

At the entrance

Y/N: Il be dammed, guess the Wild Hunt wasn't enough to take on you

Vesemir: Those pesky entitled elves think they have everything guaranteed, that is until they cross swords with a Witcher

Y/N: Bold statement. And since you promised to help me out, what are we doing and where to be exactly?

Vesemr:I have just the place in mind. Meet me at the train station at 3:00 we'll be going by train; pack your stuff and don't forget anything substantial

Y/N: Got it; see you later

Vesemir: So long Wolf

On way to the apartment

The Witcher Hero BNHA x The Witcher Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now