Wrong Signal

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"So I guessed I kinda named it after the word cause she said she thought it was sexy", he shrugged smiling. "Sexy?", the interview laughed and he joined in, "Yeah". "What of the bottom phrase? A night you won't remember, is it like the person who drinks this won't be able to remember a thing after the next day?", the interview asked with interest. He laughed, "Sure, if you put it that way but I wrote that cause I know that there's a high probability she won't remember that night so...". "Interesting interesting! Well she must be..."

Before the interviewer could finish, the station changed courtesy of Theo, "Stop watching that boring interview and let's watch something more interesting". I ignored and stared at my phone till he pulled it out of my hands, "Hey!", I frowned. "You really think she's the one he's talking about?", Theo asked shocked at seeing a photo taken of Rue at the Halloween party. "The white wings! Same as the print on the bottle and they were both at the party", I defended myself. Theo sighed and looked at me pitifully, "Why don't you just call her?!". "I told you why I can't", I frowned as I grabbed my phone away from his grasp.

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah yeah, you don't want to call her till you're released and you can surprise her blah blah". "Exactly", I responded as I continued scrolling through Sam's Ig. She hasn't stopped the habit of posting every single picture she has and I'm grateful for that. It's the only way I've been able to keep track on all of them.

"I wonder when they'll finally release you. You look very fine to me", Theo glanced around me before turning back to the TV. "Till they're sure that the first thing I won't do when I leave here is travel back to LA", I sighed. For some reason, I had been put in the special intensive care unit and no one was allowed to come in asides the management and Theo, cause he's the captain.



"I'm going to leave it here!", Leslie called out as we stepped into the house. "Yeah yeah... urgh my neck hurts and my body feels wobbly", I whined as tried to rotate my neck. Leslie laughed and I turned to glare at us so she cleared her throat and smiled, "Maybe you should go on an evening run. It helps me sometimes but I haven't been running lately because of....", then she trailed off but I already knew the answer. Because the last time she went running was when Damian kidnapped her. Pity almost swept my face before I brushed it off with a smirk, "Me? Run?! As if! All I need is a good night sleep and I'll be fine". The smile slowly returned to her face, "Okay, whatever suits your pretty heels. Goodnight!", she waved before walking back out.

I decided to go to bed early thinking it would help with my body pains but it didn't as I tossled about the bed. I started thinking about taking up Leslie's idea, only problem is I never run. The only time I remember running was the other time with Blake.

I watched him as he jogged down the path and when he passed the tree I was hiding behind, I crept out and started jogging behind him till I caught up to him, "Hi!", I said in a chirpy voice making him yell and almost fall into the bushes, "Rue? What are you doing here?". I ignored him as I started to loosen my sports bra. "Wh..what are you doing?", Blake stammered with a shock look on his face as he looked around the path before looking back at me, "Are you insane?". I smiled flirtatiously as I took of my sports bra but Blake kept pushing it back on. "Don't worry, no one will see us", I said with a cheeky smile on my face but I was met with a very panicked Blake, "Rue, stop! Stop! Anyone can come by at any moment". I laughed as I ran my finger down his chest to his abs and lower more. Slowly, I gripped him tightly, "Don't worry, according to my calculations, no one is bound to pass here anytime soon", unfortunately that didn't happen because just as I said that, I heard laughter and I turned my head to see two kids riding their bicycles approaching us. Out of panic, Blake turned me around and pushed me into the bush.

I smiled and a tear slipped from my eyes. No no no no tears tonight. You know what? A run might actually help.

I put it some Beyoncé music and my tracksuit added with the little motivation I could find, I stepped out of the house leaving Spencer with a very shocked look on his face.

20 minutes into the run, I was completely lost in the music and gentle breeze as it blew softly on my face. I stopped for a bit and bent to touch my knees before standing back up and staring into the sky. I smiled at the stars before continuing my run.

"Hey", he smiled and kissed me slightly. "Hi", I wrapped my arm around him. "Where are we running today?", I looked up at him excitedly. Blake has been taking me to random places since I wasn't from here. He took me to parks or hiking spots or abandoned lanes and we would just run and run. I loved the thrill of it and him. "You'll see. This is the best one yet", he pulled me in tighter as we walked to his car.

As the memory can't to an halt, my consciousness can't back as well and for some reason, I felt uneasy. I started to lower my pace and I gently took out my AirPods from my ears. When I was sure I could hear footsteps, I froze and swiftly turned around.


I don't know if y'all remember Dorian, the weird guy in the beginning who kept trying to make passes at me during a business date till Mark intervened.

"Dorian?!", I gasped in a more confused tone as he seemed shocked that I had caught him. "Rue, how have you been? I heard about your boyfriend, Andrews right?", he said as he began coming closer to me. "Are you following me?", I asked as i started to move backwards away from him but he kept coming in faster, "Poor Andrews, what a blow in the head! I know you must be in a terrible state but I want you to know that I can comfort you Rue". "Dorian, what are you doing?", I asked as my frown turned to panic. I started looking around me. "Don't worry", he whispered, "I only want to ease your pain".

I began praying silently to the universe to send me help and it did...


We both froze and turned to see Logan from the Halloween party.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere in the park for you. I told you to wait for me at the bench", he smiled as he walked up to us and roughly pulled Dorian's hand away from my arm. Dorian frowned, "Who the fuck are you?!", he snapped and Logan didn't waste time to clap back as well, "The guy that'll put you behind bars for harassment if you don't get lost". Dorian remained silent for a bit before glancing at me and stalking off.

"You should get a restraining order against him", he said as we walked down the path. "Nehh", I chuckled, "He won't bother me again". "Whatever you say", he shrugged as we sat down on one of the benches.

I turned to look at him seriously. He noticed and rose his brows at me, "What?". I sighed, "Look Logan, I thank you for saving me and all but I". "Love Blake Andrews and not interested in anyone else?", he asked amused. Shocked, I nodded, "Well yeah". He laughed, "Rue, you've got it all wrong". "I have?", I asked confusedly.

"I'm a married man", he laughed and I stood there shocked.


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