Chapter 2 E-mails

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Tristan typed up a message to send to James telling him that he would love to be given the chance to join their band and that he has been waiting for an opportunity like this for a while. He made me proof read it and check everything that he sent sounded 'posh but not too posh' (in the words of Tristan). I then pretty much had to force him to send it which he was not too happy about but I could tell I had just lifted a large weight off his shoulders by doing so. We decided to just chill in Tristan's room for a bit watching movies. I phoned my mum to tell her I was having dinner at Tristan's and I would be back for 10 which SHE was okay with, but not my stepdad of course.

"Julie..." Tristan said during 'Jaws'.

"What is it Tris?" I asked.

"James just emailed me there, asking for my details and stuff" he said sounding a bit optimistic. "Look"

He handed me the laptop which had his email inbox up on the screen. The email read;

Hi Tristan,

It's James again, thanks for replying so quickly. If you want to be part of the band then I will have to arrange a date with you to meet up and have a look at what you have to offer. Unfortunately I don't have a drum kit sitting about so myself and Bradley will probably have to come to yours, only if that is okay of course. So if you are still up for being a part of 'The Vamps' (yes we have decided on The Vamps because you said you like it too) then I will have to ask you for some details like phone number, address etc. Obviously it is up to you if you are willing to give me these details but I can promise you I am not a rapist or anything like that J

If you wish to contact me, my number is in a separate email bellow.


James McVey

"Well, go ahead phone him" I said way too eager.

"What happens if he is not who he says he is?" he said sounding concerned.

"He wouldn't send his number to you. Just put your number on private and he will probably know it's you"

"Okay but..." I cut him off.

"No butts Tris. You have wanted this for so long now don't wimp out. Phone the guy and don't be such a pussy" I said starting to get frustrated by the fact he wasn't calling James.

"Calm down Jul Jul. I will I just need a minute to think about what I'm going to say"

After about 10 minutes Tristan had thought about what he was going to say and plucked up the courage to phone James. He slowly typed in the number that was in the email and hesitated slightly before tapping the call button and putting the phone up to his ear.

"Hi this is Tristan Evans" he said into the phone. "I'm calling about being part of your band" he said. "Yeah I'd love to be the drummer" he said acting a bit more calm and cool. "Yeah sure I'll give you my details" he said and turned to me looking a bit worried before laughing. "So I live in Exeter, Devon and my address is..." my phone started to ring so I hopped off the bed and grabbed it before leaving the room and answering it.

It was my mum telling me to come home since it was half 10. I said that I would be 5 minutes and hung up before walking back into Tristan's room where he was sit on the bed with his phone beside him.

"So what did he say then" I asked.

"Bradley and him are coming to Devon in a few days. He lives in Bournemouth so they are coming on the train then coming over here"

"That's great. Am I allowed to be here?"

"I don't think so. It might be a bit weird to have a girl about when it's about a band, plus I want to get to know them, see if they are dicks before I introduce you to them"

"Well at least I know someone looks out for me. Anyway I really have to go, my mum just phoned telling me to come back"

"Okay I'll tell you more about it on FaceTime tonight then" Tristan said walking me to his front door.

"Okay. I'll see you later then" I said before quickly hugging Tristan and began walking back to my house.

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