chapter 28 ✦ pan's curse

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I opened my eyes and my head ached. I sat up but it only caused more pain in my head. I lay back down and groaned. I looked up and Peter standing in front of me and the only difference was that he was in Henry's body. To be quite honest, it creeped me out. His back and Felix's were facing me and their faces were towards the well. I listened in on their conversation.

"You never cease to amaze me, Peter. Outwitting the Evil Queen in less than a day. It's impressive." Felix complimented with a grin on his face as he looked at Peter.

"She loves the boy." Peter spoke, gripping the curse scroll. "That makes her weak." He leaned forward and looks into the well. "This is it. This is where we'll cast it. The ingredients?" Peter holds out his hand and Felix gladly hands him the bag of stuff which I presumed to be magic.

"When it's done, will they all be dead?" Felix asked, setting his elbow on the edge of the well. Peter opens the bag and lifts a bottle out it. He sets it on the well and continues to get the ingredients out.

"Worse. They will be slaves to this new land we're making with no idea who they once were." Pan laughed, sickly. He picked up on of the bottles and held it over the opening of the well. "Death is final, Felix. Their suffering will be eternal." He drops the bottle and I hear the bottle splash in the water. A gust of wind goes through their hair.

"What she did is child's play compared to what I have in mind." He grabs another bottle and drops it in with a smirk.

"I knew you'd win. Peter Pan never fails." Felix said, proudly. Peter flashes him a smile and drops another in. Peter stops and steps away from the well, folding his hands over each other. Felix looks at him confused and this is the moment that I start to get up.

"Are we missing something?" Felix asked and Peter nodded.


"What is it?" He asks again.

"The heart of the thing I love most." Peter sighs and Felix's face relaxes.

"You mean your son's heart? Rumplestiltskin? Or Riley's?! I'll go get her!" Felix exclaimed and Peter shook his head.

"No, uh, I never loved Rumple." Peter confessed and Felix's face scrunched up.

"W-well, then, whose h-heart do we need? Who do you love?" Felix stuttered.

"Love can be many things, Felix. It doesn't just come from romance or family. It can also come from loyalty; friendship." Felix's face went immediately to fear. "Only one person has always believed in Pan."

"That's me," Felix whispered and Peter smirked.

"Don't be afraid. Be flattered." Peter smiled, evilly and reached towards Felix.

"No, no, no!" Felix screamed and Peter pushed his hand into Felix's chest with his magic. Felix's eyes widened as Peter clenched onto his heart. Felix grunts as Peter starts to crush it. Felix drops to the ground and his eyes roll back in his head. I scream and it startles Peter. The heart reduces to ash and Peter lets the dust fall into the well. Green smoke starts to overflow in the well. Peter smirks at the smoke and backs away. He turned and looked at me with a smile.

"Now, we can be happy, Riley," He said, softly and I wasn't sure about him this time when I started to drift off again.


"Riley!" I heard someone call. I shuffled around and opened my eyes. Peter who was in Henry's body was in front of me. "It's me, Henry. Mr. Gold switched me back." I sighed and sat up to see I was in the library. I sat up and hugged Henry. I looked in his hand and he held the scroll.

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