Chapter 1

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(Killua's POV)
The sound of the arena cheers on, loud with shouts for blood and action. In a hotel room off the side of the building, Gon and I are sleeping after hours of nen practicing with Wing-san and Zushi.

It's 2:00 AM. I starts to sweat and breathe heavily.
(Killua's POV)
"G-Gon..", I whimper. I'm shirtless and my hands are bound to the middle, wooden bedpost with a cotton blue scarf, loose but tight enough to restrain me.

"Shh...", whispers Gon, teasing me. "What's wrong Killua? Do you feel ok?" He plays with my hair and leans in ever so slowly to kiss me. Our lips touch and Gon starts sucking on the bottom one. I moan, opening my mouth. His tongue clashes with mine, I feel the sensations and heat everywhere. A hand holds up my chin and the soft mouth that was kissing me disappeared, traveling to my neck.

"Mmm". Gon purrs, giving my neck slight vibrations making me more and more aroused. Panting and embarrassed, I look away. Gon's left hand is placing its thumb on one of my nipples and starts swirling, but his right hand discreetly travels lower to my pants. An unconscious bulge has formed and he presses a little on it.

"Ahh!" I cry out and my hips jerk forward, but they come back down because my hands are above me and cannot support my body. "Gon!"

"Yes?" He smiles deviously.

"... More... Please...". I start begging, giving in to my lust. "Touch me...Gon."
My eyes fly open. 'Oh. Just a dream,' I think. Then I made a realization. I gulped and shuddered. 'Shit!... I-I'm hard.' I carefully get off the bed and walk to the bathroom to jerk off.

In the bathroom, I drop my pants, then my boxers. The cool air surrounds my hardened cock. 'Ah damn. It's so cold.' I sit on a chair and try to relax. Hesitating a bit, my hand takes my member and begins stroking. 'Sigh. It's working. But it's not the same...without Gon. Ah, what am I thinking? Gon's too innocent to do anything. My dream was just a dream. It's not going to happen...ever.' Biting my lip to keep quiet, I climax. It goes into the toilet and I flush. I take a small shower to cool down.

When I get out I see that it's 5:00 AM. About 8 hours until Hisoka's fight with Kastro. I climb back into the bed facing away from Gon. 'Why are we sleeping in the same bed in the first place??? Whatever.' As I drift back to sleep, I wonder. What happened, Gon? When did your purity get so attractive and arousing? What am I going to do?
Not before long, I go back to my deep slumber.
(Next morning)
I wake up with a heart attack. Opening my eyes, right in front of me I see Gon. "Gah! Gon! What are you doing? Why are you so close?"

Gon laughs. "Haha Killua, have you forgotten that today is Hisoka's fight? You better get ready! It's 11:45." He curves the sides of his mouth to make a smile.

There it is, his smile. It's so beautiful, and happy. 'I just wanna grab that face and attack that gorgeous taunting mouth.'
A huge blush flushes my face, but I can't help thinking about topping my best friend. Not realizing that I was spacing out, Gon calls out to me.

"Killua. Killua!"
I snap out of my daze and reply. "Oh, gomen (sorry). I'll go get ready."

"Ok!~ Tell me how the fight goes when you come back! I'll stick with working on my Ten. Bye bye!"

For the majority of the afternoon, I watch the fight between Hisoka and Kastro from the audience. Kastro appeared to have the upper hand at the beginning, but Hisoka turned the tables by ruthlessly beating him down. Gon was going to need a lot to take on Hisoka. After the event, it was 5:30 PM, so Gon and I went to go get some food.

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